HDP 2.5.6 provides Hive 1.2.1 as part of the General Availablility release. In addtion, HDP 2.5.6 provides Hive 2.1.0 as a Technical Preview.
HDP 2.5.6 provides the following Apache pathces for Hive 1.2.1:
HIVE-10319: Hive CLI startup takes a long time with a large number of databases.
HIVE-11976: Extend CBO rules to being able to apply rules only once on a given operator.
HIVE-14389: Beeline should not output query and prompt to stdout.
HIVE-14743: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - HBASE-backed views' query with JOINs.
HIVE-15774: Ensure DbLockManager backward compatibility for non-ACID resources.
HIVE-16060: GenericUDTFJSONTuple's json cache could overgrow beyond its limit.
HIVE-16119: HiveMetaStoreChecker: remove singleThread logic duplication.
HIVE-16290: Stats: StatsRulesProcFactory::evaluateComparator estimates are wrong when minValue == filterValue.
HIVE-16291: Hive fails when unions a parquet table with itself.
HIVE-16299: MSCK REPAIR TABLE should enforce partition key order when adding unknown partitions.
HIVE-16321: Possible deadlock in metastore with Acid enabled.
HIVE-16347: HiveMetastoreChecker should skip listing partitions which are not valid when hive.msck.path.validation is set to skip or ignore.
HIVE-16372: Enable DDL statement for non-native tables (add/remove table properties).
HIVE-16413: Create table as select does not check ownership of the location.
HIVE-16427: Fix multi-insert query and write qtests.
HIVE-16567: NPE when reading Parquet file when getting old timestamp configuration.
HIVE-16673: Test for HIVE-16413.
HIVE-16703: Hive may add the same file to the session and vertex in Tez.
HIVE-16710: Make MAX_MS_TYPENAME_LENGTH configurable.
HDP 2.5.6 provides the following Apache patches for Hive 2.1.0:
HIVE-10319: Hive CLI startup takes a long time with a large number of databases.
HIVE-14389: Beeline should not output query and prompt to stdout.
HIVE-14743: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - HBASE-backed views' query with JOINs.
HIVE-15231: query on view with CTE and alias fails with table not found error.
HIVE-15774: Ensure DbLockManager backward compatibility for non-ACID resources.
HIVE-16060: GenericUDTFJSONTuple's json cache could overgrow beyond its limit.
HIVE-16119: HiveMetaStoreChecker: remove singleThread logic duplication.
HIVE-16290: Stats: StatsRulesProcFactory::evaluateComparator estimates are wrong when minValue == filterValue.
HIVE-16291: Hive fails when unions a parquet table with itself.
HIVE-16299: MSCK REPAIR TABLE should enforce partition key order when adding unknown partitions.
HIVE-16321: Possible deadlock in metastore with Acid enabled.
HIVE-16347: HiveMetastoreChecker should skip listing partitions which are not valid when hive.msck.path.validation is set to skip or ignore.
HIVE-16372: Enable DDL statement for non-native tables (add/remove table properties).
HIVE-16413: Create table as select does not check ownership of the location.
HIVE-16427: Fix multi-insert query and write qtests.
HIVE-16673: Test for HIVE-16413.
HIVE-16703: Hive may add the same file to the session and vertex in Tez.
HDP 2.5.5 provided the following Apache pathces for Hive 1.2.1:
HIVE-9941: sql std authorization on partitioned table: truncate and insert.
HIVE-11616: DelegationTokenSecretManager reuses the same objectstore, which has concurrency issues.
HIVE-11935: Race condition in HiveMetaStoreClient: isCompatibleWith and close.
HIVE-12594: X lock on partition should not conflict with S lock on DB.
HIVE-12664: Bug in reduce deduplication optimization causing ArrayOutOfBoundException.
HIVE-12958: Make embedded Jetty server more configurable.
HIVE-12968: genNotNullFilterForJoinSourcePlan: needs to merge predicates into the multi-AND.
HIVE-13423: Handle the overflow case for decimal datatype for sum().
HIVE-13527: Using deprecated APIs in HBase client causes zookeeper connection leaks.
HIVE-13539: HiveHFileOutputFormat searching the wrong directory for HFiles.
HIVE-13836: DbNotifications giving an error = Invalid state. Transaction has already started.
HIVE-13872: Vectorization: Fix cross-product reduce sink serialization.
HIVE-13936: Add streaming support for row_number.
HIVE-14210: ExecDriver should call jobclient.close() to trigger cleanup.
HIVE-14375: hcatalog-pig-adaptor pom.xml uses joda-time 2.2 instead of ${joda.version} that uses 2.8.1.
HIVE-14445: upgrade maven surefire to 2.19.1.
HIVE-14924: MSCK REPAIR table with single threaded is throwing null pointer exception.
HIVE-14928: Analyze table no scan mess up schema.
HIVE-14929: Adding JDBC test for query cancellation scenario.
HIVE-14935: Add tests for beeline force option.
HIVE-15002: HiveSessionImpl#executeStatementInternal may leave locks in an inconsistent state.
HIVE-15120: Storage based auth: allow option to enforce write checks for external tables.
HIVE-15124: Fix OrcInputFormat to use reader's schema for include boolean array.
HIVE-15178: ORC stripe merge may produce many MR jobs and no merge if split size is small.
HIVE-15181: buildQueryWithINClause didn't properly handle multiples of ConfVars.METASTORE_DIRECT_SQL_MAX_ELEMENTS_IN_CLAUSE.
HIVE-15231: query on view with CTE and alias fails with table not found error.
HIVE-15236: timestamp and date comparison should happen in timestamp.
HIVE-15278: PTF+MergeJoin = NPE.
HIVE-15279: map join dummy operators are not set up correctly in certain cases with merge join.
HIVE-15291: Comparison of timestamp fails if only date part is provided.
HIVE-15323: allow the user to turn off reduce-side SMB join.
HIVE-15327: Outerjoin might produce wrong result depending on joinEmitInterval value.
HIVE-15338: Wrong result from vectorized DATEDIFF with scalar parameter of type DATE/TIMESTAMP.
HIVE-15355: Concurrency issues during parallel moveFile due to HDFSUtils.setFullFileStatus.
HIVE-15376: Improve heartbeater scheduling for transactions.
HIVE-15437: avro tables join fails when - tbl join tbl_postfix.
HIVE-15542: NPE in StatsUtils::getColStatistics when all values in DATE column are NULL.
HIVE-15588: Vectorization: Fix deallocation of scratch columns in VectorUDFCoalesce, etc to prevent wrong reuse.
HIVE-15589: Flaky org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.TestDbTxnManager.testHeartbeater.
HIVE-15714: backport HIVE-11985 (and HIVE-12601) to branch-1.
HIVE-15752: MSCK should add output WriteEntity for table in semantic analysis.
HIVE-15792: Hive should raise SemanticException when LPAD/RPAD pad character's length is 0.
HIVE-15803: msck can hang when nested partitions are present.
HIVE-15848: count or sum distinct incorrect when hive.optimize.reducededuplication set to true.
HIVE-15872: The PERCENTILE_APPROX UDAF does not work with empty set.
HIVE-15879: Fix HiveMetaStoreChecker.checkPartitionDirs method.
HIVE-15947: Enhance Templeton service job operations reliability.
HIVE-16014: HiveMetastoreChecker should use hive.metastore.fshandler.threads instead of for pool size.
HIVE-16050: Regression: Union of null with non-null.
HIVE-16086: Fix HiveMetaStoreChecker.checkPartitionDirsSingleThreaded method.
HIVE-16090: Addendum to HIVE-16014.
HIVE-16114: NullPointerException in TezSessionPoolManager when getting the session.
HIVE-16175: Possible race condition in InstanceCache.
HIVE-16225: Memory leak in webhcat service (FileSystem CACHE entries).
HDP 2.5.5 provided the following Apache patches for Hive 2.1.0:
HIVE-9941: sql std authorization on partitioned table: truncate and insert.
HIVE-12594: X lock on partition should not conflict with S lock on DB.
HIVE-12664: Bug in reduce deduplication optimization causing ArrayOutOfBoundException.
HIVE-12968: genNotNullFilterForJoinSourcePlan: needs to merge predicates into the multi-AND.
HIVE-13423: Handle the overflow case for decimal datatype for sum().
HIVE-13527: Using deprecated APIs in HBase client causes zookeeper connection leaks..
HIVE-13936: Add streaming support for row_number.
HIVE-14290: Refactor HIVE-14054 to use Collections#newSetFromMap.
HIVE-14360: Starting BeeLine after using !save, there is an error logged: "Error setting configuration: conf".
HIVE-14405: Have tests log to the console along with hive.log. (Siddharth Seth, reviewed by Ashutosh Chauhan) .
HIVE-14432: LLAP signing unit test may be timing-dependent.
HIVE-14445: upgrade maven surefire to 2.19.1.
HIVE-14612: org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.TestOperationLoggingLayout.testSwitchLogLayout failure.
HIVE-14924: MSCK REPAIR table with single threaded is throwing null pointer exception.
HIVE-14928: Analyze table no scan mess up schema.
HIVE-14929: Adding JDBC test for query cancellation scenario.
HIVE-14935: Add tests for beeline force option.
HIVE-14942: HiveServer UI: CANCELED queries show up as open.
HIVE-14957: HiveSortLimitPullUpConstantsRule misses branches when parent operator is Union.
HIVE-15002: HiveSessionImpl#executeStatementInternal may leave locks in an inconsistent state.
HIVE-15120: Storage based auth: allow option to enforce write checks for external tables.
HIVE-15123: LLAP UI: The UI should work even if the cache is disabled.
HIVE-15124: Fix OrcInputFormat to use reader's schema for include boolean array.
HIVE-15178: ORC stripe merge may produce many MR jobs and no merge if split size is small.
HIVE-15181: buildQueryWithINClause didn't properly handle multiples of ConfVars.METASTORE_DIRECT_SQL_MAX_ELEMENTS_IN_CLAUSE.
HIVE-15208: Query string should be HTML encoded for Web UI.
HIVE-15236: timestamp and date comparison should happen in timestamp.
HIVE-15291: Comparison of timestamp fails if only date part is provided. .
HIVE-15312: reduce logging in certain places.
HIVE-15327: Outerjoin might produce wrong result depending on joinEmitInterval value.
HIVE-15338: Wrong result from non-vectorized DATEDIFF with scalar parameter of type DATE/TIMESTAMP.
HIVE-15355: Concurrency issues during parallel moveFile due to HDFSUtils.setFullFileStatus.
HIVE-15376: Improve heartbeater scheduling for transactions.
HIVE-15437: avro tables join fails when - tbl join tbl_postfix.
HIVE-15542: NPE in StatsUtils::getColStatistics when all values in DATE column are NULL.
HIVE-15588: Vectorization: Fix deallocation of scratch columns in VectorUDFCoalesce, etc to prevent wrong reuse.
HIVE-15589: Flaky org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.TestDbTxnManager.testHeartbeater.
HIVE-15590: add separate spnego principal config for LLAP Web UI.
HIVE-15693: LLAP: cached threadpool in AMReporter creates too many threads leading to OOM.
HIVE-15752: MSCK should add output WriteEntity for table in semantic analysis.
HIVE-15783: small glitch in LlapServiceDriver on small VMs.
HIVE-15803: msck can hang when nested partitions are present.
HIVE-15848: count or sum distinct incorrect when hive.optimize.reducededuplication set to true.
HIVE-15872: The PERCENTILE_APPROX UDAF does not work with empty set.
HIVE-15901: LLAP: incorrect usage of gap cache.
HIVE-16050: Regression: Union of null with non-null .
HIVE-16090: Addendum to HIVE-16014.
HIVE-16114: NullPointerException in TezSessionPoolManager when getting the session.
HIVE-16175: Possible race condition in InstanceCache.
HDP 2.5.3 provided the following Apache patches for Hive 1.2.1:
HIVE-7239: Fix bug in HiveIndexedInputFormat implementation that causes incorrect query result when input backed by Sequence/RC files.
HIVE-11120: Generic interface for file format validation.
HIVE-12065: FS stats collection may generate incorrect stats for multi-insert query.
HIVE-14236: CTAS with UNION ALL puts the wrong stats in Tez.
HIVE-14251: Union All of different types resolves to incorrect data.
HIVE-14448: Queries with predicate fail when ETL split strategy is chosen for ACID tables.
HIVE-14519: Multi insert query bug.
HIVE-14590: CBO (Calcite Return Path) Incorrect result set when limit is present in one of the union branches.
HIVE-14591: HS2 is shut down unexpectedly during the startup time.
HIVE-14595: TimestampWritable::setTimestamp gives wrong result when 2nd VInt exists.
HIVE-14607: ORC split generation failed with exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1.
HIVE-14659: OutputStream won't close if caught exception in funtion unparseExprForValuesClause in
HIVE-14762: Add logging while removing scratch space.
HIVE-14773: NPE aggregating column statistics for date column in partitioned table.
HIVE-14922: Add perf logging for post job completion steps.
HDP 2.5.3 provided the following Apache patches for Hive 2.1.0:
HIVE-7239: Fix bug in HiveIndexedInputFormat implementation that causes incorrect query result when input backed by Sequence/RC files.
HIVE-12077: MSCK Repair table should fix partitions in batches.
HIVE-13756: Map failure attempts to delete reducer _temporary directory on multi-query pig query.
HIVE-14251: Union All of different types resolves to incorrect data.
HIVE-14457: Partitions in encryption zone are still trashed though an exception is returned.
HIVE-14519: Multi insert query bug.
HIVE-14591: HS2 is shut down unexpectedly during the startup time.
HIVE-14595: TimestampWritable::setTimestamp gives wrong result when 2nd VInt exists.
HIVE-14600: LLAP zookeeper registry failures do not fail the daemon.
HIVE-14607: ORC split generation failed with exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1.
HIVE-14621: LLAP: memory.mode = none has NPE.
HIVE-14624: LLAP: Use FQDN when submitting work to LLAP.
HIVE-14648: LLAP: Avoid private pages in the SSD cache.
HIVE-14655: LLAP input format should escape the query string being passed to getSplits().
HIVE-14656: Clean up driver instance in get_splits.
HIVE-14656: Clean up driver instance in get_splits.
HIVE-14659: OutputStream won't close if caught exception in funtion unparseExprForValuesClause in
HIVE-14690: Query fail when hive.exec.parallel=true, with conflicting session dir.
HIVE-14693: Some paritions will be left out when partition number is the multiple of the option
HIVE-14697: Can not access kerberized HS2 Web UI.
HIVE-14702: LLAPIF: after a long period of inactivity, signing key may be removed from local store.
HIVE-14715: Hive throws NumberFormatException with query with Null value.
HIVE-14762: Add logging while removing scratch space.
HIVE-14773: NPE aggregating column statistics for date column in partitioned table.
HIVE-14774: Canceling query using Ctrl-C in beeline might lead to stale locks.
HIVE-14805: Subquery inside a view will have the object in the subquery as the direct input.
HIVE-14922: Add perf logging for post job completion steps.
HIVE-14933: include argparse with LLAP scripts to support antique Python versions.
HIVE-14959: Fix DISTINCT with windowing when CBO is enabled/disabled.
HIVE-15099: PTFOperator.PTFInvocation didn't properly reset the input partition.
HIVE-15137: metastore add partitions background thread should use current username.
HDP 2.5.0 provided the following Apache patches for Hive 1.2.1:
HIVE-4924: JDBC Support query timeout for jdbc.
HIVE-6113: Upgrade Datanucleus to 4.x.
HIVE-6535: JDBC provide an async API to execute query and fetch results.
HIVE-7193: Hive should support additional LDAP authentication parameters.
HIVE-9365: The Metastore should take port configuration from HIVE-site.xml.
HIVE-9605: Remove parquet nested objects from wrapper writable objects.
HIVE-9862: Vectorized execution corrupts timestamp values.
HIVE-10233: Hive on tez memory manager for grace hash join.
HIVE-10249: ACID show locks should show who the lock is waiting for.
HIVE-10485: Create md5 UDF.
HIVE-10631: create_table_core method has invalid update for Fast Stats.
HIVE-10632: Make sure TXN_COMPONENTS gets cleaned up if table is dropped before compaction.
HIVE-10639: Create SHA1 UDF.
HIVE-10641: Create CRC32 UDF.
HIVE-10644: Create SHA2 UDF.
HIVE-10729: Query failed when select complex columns from joined table (tez map join only).
HIVE-10761: Create codahale-based metrics system for Hive.
HIVE-10815: Let HiveMetaStoreClient Choose MetaStore Randomly.
HIVE-10927: Add number of HMS/HS2 connection metrics.
HIVE-10944: Fix HS2 for Metrics.
HIVE-10975: Bump the parquet version up to 1.8.1.
HIVE-11037: HiveOnTez make explain user level = true as default.
HIVE-11043: ORC split strategies should adapt based on number of files.
HIVE-11096: Bump the parquet version to 1.7.0.
HIVE-11097: MR mode query fails if one table path string starts with another's.
HIVE-11118: Load data query should validate file formats with destination tables.
HIVE-11164: WebHCat should log contents of HiveConf on startup.
HIVE-11388: Allow ACID Compactor components to run in multiple metastores.
HIVE-11401: Query on Partitioned-parquet table with where clause on a partitioned column fails as Column was not found in schema.
HIVE-11427: Location of temporary table for CREATE TABLE SELECT broken by HIVE-7079.
HIVE-11498: HIVE Authorization v2 should not check permission for dummy entity.
HIVE-11512: Hive LDAP Authenticator should also support full DN in Authenticate().
HIVE-11550: ACID queries pollute HiveConf.
HIVE-11582: Remove conf variable hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories.
HIVE-11593: Add aes_encrypt and aes_decrypt UDFs.
HIVE-11695: If user have no permission to create LOCAL DIRECTORY, the HQL does not throw any exception and fail silently.
HIVE-11716: Reading ACID table from non-acid session should raise an error.
HIVE-11768: leaks memory on long running Hive Server2 Instances.
HIVE-11793: SHOW LOCKS with DbTxnManager ignores filter options.
HIVE-11802: Float-point numbers are displayed with different precision in Beeline/JDBC.
HIVE-11815: Correct the column/table names in subquery expression when creating a view.
HIVE-11824: Insert to local directory causes staging directory to be copied.
HIVE-11832: HIVE-11802 breaks compilation in JDK 8.
HIVE-11848: Tables in subqueries don't get locked.
HIVE-11866: Add framework to enable testing using LDAPServer using LDAP protocol.
HIVE-11891: Add basic performance logging to metastore calls.
HIVE-11903: Add lock metrics to HS2.
HIVE-11945: ORC with non-local reads may not be reusing connection to DN.
HIVE-11956: HOW LOCKS should indicate what acquired the lock.
HIVE-11984: Add HS2 open operation metrics.
HIVE-12007: Hive LDAP Authenticator should allow just Domain without baseDN (for AD).
HIVE-12008: Hive queries failing when using count(*) on column in view.
HIVE-12213: Investigating the test failure TestHCatClient.testTableSchemaPropagation.
HIVE-12224: Remove HOLD_DDLTIME.
HIVE-12239: Constants in hive.common.metrics.common.MetricsConstant are not final.
HIVE-12271: Add metrics around HS2 query execution and job submission for Hive.
HIVE-12279: Testcase to verify session temporary files are removed after HIVE-11768.
HIVE-12353: When Compactor fails it calls CompactionTxnHandler.markedCleaned(). it should not.
HIVE-12366: Refactor Heartbeater logic for transaction.
HIVE-12435: SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN.) GROUPBY returns 1 for 'NULL' in a case of ORC and vectorization is enabled.
HIVE-12439: CompactionTxnHandler.markCleaned() and TxnHandler.openTxns() misc improvements.
HIVE-12499: Add HMS metrics for number of tables and partitions.
HIVE-12505: Insert overwrite in same encrypted zone silently fails to remove some existing files.
HIVE-12525: Cleanup unused metrics in HMS.
HIVE-12584: Vectorized join with partition column of type char does not trim spaces.
HIVE-12619: Switching the field order within an array of structures causes the query to fail.
HIVE-12620: Misc improvement to Acid module.
HIVE-12628: Eliminate flakiness in TestMetrics.
HIVE-12634: Add command to kill an ACID transaction.
HIVE-12637: Make retryable SQLExceptions in TxnHandler configurable.
HIVE-12724: CID Major compaction fails to include the original bucket files into MR job.
HIVE-12733: UX improvements for HIVE-12499.
HIVE-12741: HS2 ShutdownHookManager holds extra of Driver instance.
HIVE-12751: Fix NVL explain syntax.
HIVE-12827: Vectorization VectorCopyRow/VectorAssignRow/VectorDeserializeRow assign needs explicit isNull[offset] modification.
HIVE-12837: Better memory estimation/allocation for hybrid grace hash join during hash table loading.
HIVE-12868: Fix empty operation-pool metrics.
HIVE-12875: SUMMARY-[Verify sem.getInputs() and sem.getOutputs()].
HIVE-12885: LDAP Authenticator improvements.
HIVE-12887: Handle ORC schema on read with fewer columns than file schema (after Schema Evolution changes).
HIVE-12893: Hive optimize.sort.dynamic.partition not enabled in case of combination of bucketing and constant propagation if subset of partition column value set.
HIVE-12894: Detect whether ORC is reading from ACID table correctly for Schema Evolution.
HIVE-12897: Improve dynamic partition loading.
HIVE-12907: Improve dynamic partition loading - II.
HIVE-12908: Improve dynamic partition loading III.
HIVE-12937: DbNotificationListener unable to clean up old notification events.
HIVE-12965: Insert overwrite local directory should preserve the overwritten directory permission.
HIVE-12988: Improve dynamic partition loading IV.
HIVE-12992: Hive on tez Bucket map join plan is incorrect.
HIVE-12996: Temp tables shouldn't be locked.
HIVE-13008: WebHcat DDL commands in secure mode NPE when default FileSystem doesn't support delegation tokens.
HIVE-13013: Further Improve concurrency in TxnHandler.
HIVE-13017: Child process of HiveServer2 fails to get delegation token from non default FileSystem.
HIVE-13018: "RuntimeException: Vectorization is not supported for datatype:LIST".
HIVE-13033: SPDO unnecessarily duplicates columns in key & value of mapper output.
HIVE-13040: Handle empty bucket creations more efficiently.
HIVE-13043: Reload function has no impact to function registry.
HIVE-13051: Deadline class has numerous issues.
HIVE-13056: Delegation tokens do not work with HS2 when used with http transport and Kerberos.
HIVE-13093: Hive metastore does not exit on start failure.
HIVE-13095: Support view column authorization.
HIVE-13101: NullPointerException in HiveLexer.g.
HIVE-13108: Operators SORT BY randomness is not safe with network partitions.
HIVE-13120: Propagate doAs when generating ORC splits.
HIVE-13125: Support masking and filtering of rows/columns.
HIVE-13126: Clean up MapJoinOperator properly to avoid object cache reuse with unintentional states.
HIVE-13169: HiveServer2 Support delegation token based connection when using http transport.
HIVE-13175: Disallow making external tables transactional.
HIVE-13178: Enhance ORC Schema Evolution to handle more standard data type conversions.
HIVE-13198: Authorization issues with cascading views.
HIVE-13200: Aggregation functions returning empty rows on partitioned columns.
HIVE-13201: Compaction shouldn't be allowed on non-ACID table.
HIVE-13209: metastore get_delegation_token fails with null ip address.
HIVE-13213: Make DbLockManger work for non-acid resources.
HIVE-13216: ORC Reader will leave file open until GC when opening a malformed ORC file.
HIVE-13240: Drop the hash aggregates when closing operator .
HIVE-13242: DISTINCT keyword is dropped by the parser for windowing.
HIVE-13249: Hard upper bound on number of open transactions.
HIVE-13261: Can not compute column stats for partition when schema evolves.
HIVE-13264: JDBC driver makes 2 Open Session Calls for every open session.
HIVE-13267: Vectorization Add SelectLikeStringColScalar for non-filter operations.
HIVE-13287: Add logic to estimate stats for IN operator.
HIVE-13291: ORC BI Split strategy should consider block size instead of file size.
HIVE-13294: AvroSerde leaks the connection in a case when reading schema from a URL.
HIVE-13295: Improvement to LDAP search queries in HS2 LDAP Authenticator.
HIVE-13296: Add vectorized Q test with complex types showing count(*) etc work correctly.
HIVE-13299: Column Names trimmed of leading and trailing spaces.
HIVE-13302: Direct SQL cast to date doesn't work on Oracle.
HIVE-13313: TABLESAMPLE ROWS feature broken for vectorization.
HIVE-13318: Cache the result of getTable from metastore.
HIVE-13326: HiveServer2 Make ZK config publishing configurable.
HIVE-13330: Vectorization returns NULL for empty values for varchar/string data type.
HIVE-13338: Differences in vectorized_casts.q output for vectorized and non-vectorized runs.
HIVE-13344: Port HIVE-12902 to 1.x line.
HIVE-13354: Add ability to specify Compaction options per table and per request.
HIVE-13358: Stats state is not captured correctly turn off stats optimizer for sampled table.
HIVE-13360: Refactoring Hive Authorization.
HIVE-13361: Orc concatenation should enforce the compression buffer size.
HIVE-13362: Commit binary file required for HIVE-13361.
HIVE-13373: Use most specific type for numerical constants.
HIVE-13381: Timestamp & date should have precedence in type hierarchy than string group.
HIVE-13390: HiveServer2 Add more test to ZK service discovery using MiniHS2.
HIVE-13392: Disable speculative execution for ACID Compactor.
HIVE-13393: Beeline Print help message for the --incremental option.
HIVE-13394: Analyze table call fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception.
HIVE-13394: Analyze table fails in tez on empty partitions.
HIVE-13395: Lost Update problem in ACID.
HIVE-13405: Fix Connection Leak in OrcRawRecordMerger.
HIVE-13418: HiveServer2 HTTP mode should support X-Forwarded-Host header for authorization/audits.
HIVE-13434: BaseSemanticAnalyzer.unescapeSQLString doesn't unescape \u0000 style character literals.
HIVE-13439: JDBC: provide a way to retrieve GUID to query Yarn ATS.
HIVE-13458: Heartbeater doesn't fail query when heartbeat fails.
HIVE-13462: HiveResultSetMetaData.getPrecision() fails for NULL columns.
HIVE-13463: Fix ImportSemanticAnalyzer to allow for different src/dst filesystems.
HIVE-13476: HS2 ShutdownHookManager holds extra of Driver instance in nested compile.
HIVE-13480: Add hadoop2 metrics reporter for Codahale metrics.
HIVE-13486: Cast the column type for column masking.
HIVE-13493: TransactionBatchImpl.getCurrentTxnId() ArrayIndexOutOfBounds.
HIVE-13510: Dynamic partitioning doesn’t work when remote metastore is used.
HIVE-13541: Pass view's ColumnAccessInfo to HiveAuthorizer.
HIVE-13553: CTE with upperCase alias throws exception.
HIVE-13561: HiveServer2 is leaking ClassLoaders when add jar / temporary functions are used.
HIVE-13562: Enable vector bridge for all non-vectorized udfs.
HIVE-13563: Hive Streaming does not honor orc.compress.size and orc.stripe.size table properties.
HIVE-13568: UDFs for use in column-masking - includes updates for review comments.
HIVE-13570: Some queries with Union all fail when CBO is off.
HIVE-13572: Redundant setting full file status in Hive copyFiles.
HIVE-13592: Metastore calls map is not thread safe.
HIVE-13596: HS2 should be able to get UDFs on demand from metastore.
HIVE-13602: TPCH q16 return wrong result when CBO is on.
HIVE-13609: Fix UDTFs to allow local fetch task to fetch rows forwarded by GenericUDTF.close().
HIVE-13618: Trailing spaces in partition column will be treated differently.
HIVE-13619: Bucket map join plan is incorrect.
HIVE-13621: Compute stats in certain cases fails with NPE.
HIVE-13622: WriteSet tracking optimizations.
HIVE-13632: Hive failing on insert empty array into parquet table.
HIVE-13645: SUMMARY-[Beeline needs null-guard around hiveVars and hiveConfVars read.
HIVE-13646: Make hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition compatible with ACID tables.
HIVE-13660: Vectorizing IN expression with list of columns throws java.lang.ClassCastException ExprNodeColumnDesc cannot be cast to ExprNodeConstantDesc.
HIVE-13670: Improve Beeline connect/reconnect semantics.
HIVE-13677: java.lang.NullPointerException when folding CASE expression.
HIVE-13682: EOFException with fast hashtable.
HIVE-13691: No record with CQ_ID=0 found in COMPACTION_QUEUE.
HIVE-13693: Multi-insert query drops Filter before file output when there is a.val < > b.val
HIVE-13705: Insert into table removes existing data.
HIVE-13716: Improve dynamic partition loading V.
HIVE-13725: ACID Streaming API should synchronize calls when multiple threads use the same endpoint.
HIVE-13726: Improve dynamic partition loading VI.
HIVE-13729: FileSystem leaks in FileUtils.checkFileAccessWithImpersonation.
HIVE-13730: Avoid double spilling the same partition when memory threshold is set very low.
HIVE-13743: Data move codepath is broken with hive.
HIVE-13750: ReduceSinkDeDuplication not working with hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition and ACID.
HIVE-13753: Make metastore client thread safe in DbTxnManager.
HIVE-13767: Wrong type inferred in Semijoin condition leads to AssertionError to.
HIVE-13788: hive msck listpartitions need to make use of directSQL instead of datanucleus.
HIVE-13796: Fix some tests.
HIVE-13799: Optimize TableScanRule:checkBucketedTable.
HIVE-13809: Hybrid Grace Hash Join memory usage estimation didn't take into account the bloom filter size.
HIVE-13821: Delete statement launches 1 Mappers that takes forever to finish for 1 TB TPC-H database(transactional).
HIVE-13823: Remove unnecessary log line in common join operator.
HIVE-13831: Error pushing predicates to HBase storage handler.
HIVE-13833: Add an initial delay when starting the heartbeat.
HIVE-13837: current_timestamp() output format is different in some cases.
HIVE-13840: Orc split generation is reading file footers twice.
HIVE-13841: Orc split generation returns different strategies with cache enabled vs disabled.
HIVE-13849: Wrong plan for hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=true.
HIVE-13853: Add X-XSRF-Header filter to HS2 HTTP mode and WebHCat].
HIVE-13856: Fetching transaction batches during ACID streaming against Hive Metastore using Oracle DB fails.
HIVE-13857: Insert overwrite select from some table fails throwing - II.
HIVE-13859: mask() UDF not retaining day and month field values.
HIVE-13867: Restore HiveAuthorizer interface changes.
HIVE-13901: Hive Metastore add partitions can be slow depending on filesystems.
HIVE-13902: [Refactor] Minimize metastore jar dependencies on task nodes.
HIVE-13904: Ignore case when retrieving ColumnInfo from RowResolver.
HIVE-13905: Optimize ColumnStatsTask constructColumnStatsFromPackedRows to have lesser number of getTable calls.
HIVE-13910: Select from a table is not working if used as <dbname.tablename>.
HIVE-13911: Load inpath fails throwing
HIVE-13912: bTxnManager.commitTxn(): ORA-00918 column ambiguously defined.
HIVE-13922: Optimize the code path that analyzes/updates col stats.
HIVE-13929: org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.DataOperationType class not found error when a job is submitted by hive.
HIVE-13931: Add support for HikariCP and replace BoneCP usage with HikariCP.
HIVE-13932: Hive SMB Map Join with small set of LIMIT failed with NPE.
HIVE-13933: Add an option to turn off parallel file moves.
HIVE-13941: Return better error messages from SchemaTool].
HIVE-13948: Incorrect timezone handling in Writable results in wrong dates in queries.
HIVE-13954: Any query on Parquet table throws SLF4J:Failed to load class org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder - resulting unwanted WARN and INFO messages on stdout.
HIVE-13957: Vectorized IN is inconsistent with non-vectorized (at least for decimal in (string)).
HIVE-13961: Major compaction fails to include the original bucket files if there's no delta directory.
HIVE-13972: Resolve class dependency issue introduced by HIVE-13354.
HIVE-13984: Use multi-threaded approach to listing files for msck.
HIVE-13985: ORC improvements for reducing the file system calls in task side.
HIVE-13997: Insert overwrite directory doesn't overwrite existing files.
HIVE-14006: Hive query with UNION ALL fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
HIVE-14010: from HIVE_CONF_DIR should be used when available.
HIVE-14014: Zero length file is being created for empty bucket in tez mode (II).
HIVE-14018: Make IN clause row selectivity estimation customizable.
HIVE-14022: Left semi join should throw SemanticException if where clause contains columnname from right table.
HIVE-14038: Miscellaneous acid improvements.
HIVE-14045: (Vectorization) Add missing case for BINARY in VectorizationContext.getNormalizedName method.
HIVE-14054: TestHiveMetaStoreChecker fails on master.
HIVE-14070: hive.tez.exec.print.summary=true returns wrong performance numbers on HS2.
HIVE-14073: Update config whiltelist for SQL std authorization.
HIVE-14080: hive.metastore.schema.verification should check for schema compatibility.
HIVE-14084: ORC table data load failure when metadata size is very large.
HIVE-14114: Ensure RecordWriter in streaming API is using the same UserGroupInformation as StreamingConnection.
HIVE-14126: With ranger enabled, partitioned columns is returned first when you execute select star.
HIVE-14132: Don't fail config validation for removed configs.
HIVE-14147: Hive PPD might remove predicates when they are defined as a simple expression e.g. WHERE 'a'.
HIVE-14192: False positive error due to thrift.
HDP 2.5.0 provided the following Apache patches for Hive 2.1.0:
HIVE-10815: Let HiveMetaStoreClient Choose MetaStore Randomly.
HIVE-13391: add an option to LLAP to use keytab to authenticate to read data.
HIVE-13443: LLAP: signing for the second state of submit (the event).
HIVE-13617: LLAP: support non-vectorized execution in IO.
HIVE-13675: LLAP: add HMAC signatures to LLAPIF splits.
HIVE-13731: LLAP: return LLAP token with the splits.
HIVE-13759: LlapTaskUmbilicalExternalClient should be closed by the record reader.
HIVE-13771: LLAPIF: generate app ID.
HIVE-13827: LLAPIF: authentication on the output channel.
HIVE-13909: upgrade ACLs in LLAP registry when the cluster is upgraded to secure.
HIVE-13930: upgrade Hive to latest Hadoop version.
HIVE-13931: Update connection pool usage from bonecp to hikaricp.
HIVE-13956: LLAP: external client output is writing to channel before it is writable again.
HIVE-13986: LLAP: kill Tez AM on token errors from plugin.
HIVE-14023: LLAP: Make the Hive query id available in ContainerRunner.
HIVE-14045: (Vectorization) Add missing case for BINARY in VectorizationContext.getNormalizedName method.
HIVE-14072: QueryIds reused across different queries.
HIVE-14078: LLAP input split should get task attempt number from conf if available.
HIVE-14080: hive.metastore.schema.verification should check for schema compatiblity.
HIVE-14091: some errors are not propagated to LLAP external clients.
HIVE-14093: LLAP output format connection should wait for all writes to finish before closing channel.
HIVE-14119: LLAP external recordreader not returning non-ascii string properly.
HIVE-14136: LLAP ZK SecretManager should resolve _HOST in principal.
HIVE-14180: Disable LlapZooKeeperRegistry ZK auth setup for external clients.
HIVE-14182: Revert HIVE-13084/HIVE-13924/HIVE-14034.
HIVE-14219: LLAP external client on secure cluster: Protocol interface org.apache.hadoop.hive.llap.protocol.LlapTaskUmbilicalProtocol is not known.
HIVE-14224: LLAP: Rename query specific log files when a query completes execution.
HIVE-14230: Hadoop23Shims.cloneUgi() doesn't add credentials from original UGI.
HIVE-14245: NoClassDefFoundError when starting LLAP daemon.
HIVE-14349: Vectorization: LIKE should anchor the regexes.
HIVE-14364: Update timeouts for llap comparator tests.
HIVE-14392: llap daemons should try using YARN local dirs, if available.
HIVE-14403: LLAP node specific preemption will only preempt once on a node per AM.
HIVE-14421: FS.deleteOnExit holds references to _tmp_space.db files.
HIVE-14436: Hive 1.2.1/Hitting "ql.Driver: FAILED: IllegalArgumentException Error: , expected at the end of 'decimal(9'" after enabling hive.optimize.skewjoin and with MR engine.
HIVE-14439: LlapTaskScheduler should try scheduling tasks when a node is disabled.