HDP 2.5.6 provides Oozie 4.2.0 and no additional Apache patches.
HDP 2.5.5 provided Oozie 4.2.0 and the following Apache patches:
OOZIE-2243: Kill Command does not kill the child job for java action.
OOZIE-2582: Populating external child Ids for action failures.
OOZIE-2649: Can't override sub-workflow configuration property if defined in parent workflow XML.
OOZIE-2678: Oozie job -kill doesn't work with tez jobs.
OOZIE-2705: Oozie Spark action ignores spark.executor.extraJavaOptions and spark.driver.extraJavaOptions.
OOZIE-2742: Unable to kill applications based on tag.
OOZIE-2826: Falcon feed fails to aws s3 with hdp 2.5; Oozie joda time version does not meet required jar version 2.2 or later.
OOZIE-2847: Oozie job fails with NPE at LauncherMapper#setRecoveryId.
HDP 2.5.3 provided Oozie 4.2.0 and no additional Apache patches.
HDP 2.5.0 provided Oozie 4.2.0 and the following Apache patches:
OOZIE-2289: hive-jdbc dependency in core/pom.xml should be compile.
OOZIE-2290: Oozie db version update should happen after all DDL tweak.
OOZIE-2291: Hive2 workflow.xml.security should have "cred" in action tag instead of "hive2" tag.
OOZIE-2492: JSON security issue in js code.