HDP 2.5.6 provides Kafka and no additional Apache patches.
HDP 2.5.5 provided Kafka and no additional Apache patches.
HDP 2.5.3 provided Kafka and no additional Apache patches.
HDP 2.5.0 provided Kafka and the following Apache patches:
KAFKA-3258: Delete broker topic metrics of deleted topics.
KAFKA-3393: Updated the docs to reflect the deprecation of block.on.buffer.full and usage of max.block.ms.
KAFKA-3660: Log exception message in ControllerBrokerRequestBatch.
KAFKA-3683: Add file descriptor recommendation to ops guide.
KAFKA-3704: Revert "Remove hard-coded block size in KafkaProducer."
KAFKA-3717: Support building aggregate javadoc for all project modules.
KAFKA-3718: Propagate all KafkaConfig __consumer_offsets configs to OffsetConfig instantiation.
KAFKA-3721: Put UpdateMetadataRequest V2 in 0.10.0-IV1.
KAFKA-3728: EndToEndAuthorizationTest offsets_topic misconfigured.
KAFKA-3747: Close `RecordBatch.records` when append to batch fails.
KAFKA-3784: TimeWindows#windowsFor calculation is incorrect.
KAFKA-3785: Fetcher spending unnecessary time during metrics recording.
KAFKA-3787: Preserve the message timestamp in mirror maker.
KAFKA-3789: Upgrade Snappy to fix snappy decompression errors.