Command Line Installation
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Before You Begin

Before you begin your Hadoop installation, you must meet the following requirements.

Note: Hue can only connect to one Hadoop cluster.

  1. Ensure that you are using an operating system that supports Hue.

    The following 64-bit operating systems support Hue:

    • CentOS 6

    • Oracle Linux 6

    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6

    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP3/SP4

  2. Ensure that you are using a browser that can access Hue.

    While Hue only runs on Linux, you can access Hue using browsers that run on Linux, Windows, or Mac.

    See Support Matrix for a complete list of browsers that work with Hue.

  3. Ensure that you are using database that supports Hue.

    Refer to Supported Database Matrix for the Hortonworks Data Platform for a complete list of supported databases.

  4. Ensure that you have Python 2.6.6 or higher installed.

  5. Ensure that you have at least core Hadoop on your system. See Configure the Remote Repositories for more information.

  6. Ensure that the HDP repositories are available:

    yum list hue hue-*

    The output should list at least one Hue package, similar to the following:

    hue.x86_64 <version>
    hue-beeswax.x86_64 <version>
    hue-common.x86_64 <version>
    hue-hcatalog.x86_64 <version>
    hue-oozie.x86_64 <version>
    hue-pig.x86_64 <version>
    hue-server.x86_64 <version>

    If yum responds with Error: No matching package to list, yum cannot locate a matching RPM. This can happen if the repository hosting the HDP RPMs is unavailable, or has been disabled. If this occurs, follow the instructions at Configure the Remote Repositories to configure private repository before proceeding.