Setting Directories and Permissions
Create directories and configure ownership and permissions as described below. Run the following commands:
mkdir -p $FALCON_LOG_DIR;chown -R $FALCON_USER:$HADOOP_GROUP $FALCON_LOG_DIR;chmod -R 755 $FALCON_LOG_DIR; mkdir -p $FALCON_PID_DIR;chown -R $FALCON_USER:$HADOOP_GROUP $FALCON_PID_DIR;chmod -R 755 $FALCON_PID_DIR; mkdir -p $FALCON_DATA_DIR;chown -R $FALCON_USER:$HADOOP_GROUP $FALCON_DATA_DIR;chmod -R 755 $FALCON_DATA_DIR; mkdir -p <>;chown -R $FALCON_USER:$HADOOP_GROUP <>;chmod -R 755 <>; mkdir -p <>;chown -R $FALCON_USER:$HADOOP_GROUP <>;chmod -R 755 <>;
$FALCON_LOG_DIR is the directory to store the Falcon logs. For example,
.$FALCON_PID_DIR is the directory to store the Falcon process ID. For example,
.$FALCON_DATA_DIR is the directory to store the falcon active mq data. For example,
.<> is the graph storage directory defined in Falcon key "*". For example,
.<> is the location to store user entity configurations defined in Falcon key "*". For example,
.$FALCON_USER is the user owning the Falcon service. For example, falcon.
$HADOOP_GROUP is a common groupshared by services. For example, hadoop.
For the Hive DR feature, the UI expects the template files to be copied to
path. Create the following directories in HDFS:su - $FALCON_USER hdfs dfs -mkdir /apps/data-mirroring hdfs dfs -mkdir /apps/data-mirroring/workflows/ hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /usr/hdp/current/falcon-server/data-mirroring /apps hdfs dfs -chmod -R 770 /apps/data-mirroring hdfs dfs -chown -R falcon:users /apps/data-mirroring
$FALCON_USER is the user owning the Falcon service. For example, falcon.