Using Apache HBase to store and access data
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Create and maintain a complete backup image

The first step in running the backup-and-restore utilities is to perform a full backup and to store the data in a separate image from the source. At a minimum, you must do this to get a baseline before you can rely on incremental backups.


For sites using Apache Phoenix: Include the SQL system catalog tables in the backup. In the event that you need to restore the HBase backup, access to the system catalog tables enable you to resume Phoenix interoperability with the restored data.

Run hbase backup create command as hbase superuser to create a complete backup image.

hbase backup create full hdfs://host5:8020/data/backup -t SALES2,SALES3 -w 3

This command creates a full backup image of two tables, SALES2 and SALES3, in the HDFS instance, whose NameNode is //host5:8020/ in the path data/backup. The -w option specifies that no more than three parallel workers complete the operation.

After the command finishes running, the console prints a SUCCESS or FAILURE status message. The SUCCESS message includes a backup ID. The backup ID is the Unix time (also known as Epoch time) that the HBase master received the backup request from the client.


Record the backup ID that appears at the end of a successful backup. In case the source cluster fails and you need to recover the dataset with a restore operation, having the backup ID readily available can save time.