This release provides Tez 0.9.1 and the listed Apache patches.
TEZ-4091: UnorderedPartitionedKVWriter::readDataForDME should check if in-mem file is flushed or not
TEZ-4088: Create in-memory ifile writer for transferring smaller payloads (follow up of TEZ-4075)
TEZ-4075: Tez: Reimplement tez.runtime.transfer.data-via-events.enabled
TEZ-3976: Batch ShuffleManager error report events
TEZ-3984: Shuffle: Out of Band DME event sending causes errors
TEZ-3980: ShuffleRunner: the wake loop needs to check for shutdown
TEZ-3958: Add internal vertex priority information into the tez dag.dot debug information
TEZ-3978: DAGClientServer Socket exception when localhost name lookup failures
TEZ-3974: Correctness regression of TEZ-955 in TEZ-2937
TEZ-3934: LegacySpeculator sometime issues wrong number of speculative attempts
TEZ-3942: RPC getTask writable optimization invalid in hadoop 2.8+
TEZ-3965: TestMROutput: Fix the hard-coded /tmp/output paths
TEZ-3916: Add hadoop-azure-datalake jar to azure profile
TEZ-3970: NullPointerException in Tez ShuffleHandler Ranged Fetch
TEZ-3964: Inflater not closed in some places
TEZ-3912: Fetchers should be more robust to corrupted inputs
TEZ-3963: Possible InflaterInputStream leaked in TezCommonUtils and related classes
TEZ-3954: Reduce Tez Shuffle Handler Memory needs for holding TezIndexRecords
TEZ-3960: Better error handling in proto history logger and add doAs support.
TEZ-3962: Configuration decode leaks an Inflater object
TEZ-3953: Restore API-compat for DAGClient for TEZ-3951
TEZ-3951: TezClient wait too long for the DAGClient for prewarm; tries to shut down the wrong DAG
TEZ-3944: TestTaskScheduler times-out on Hadoop3
TEZ-3938: Task attempts failing due to not making progress
TEZ-3949: TestATSHistoryV15 is failing with hadoop3+
TEZ-3946: NoClassDefFoundError, org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ShuffleHandler.
TEZ-3929: Upgrade Jersey to 1.19
TEZ-3947: TestATSHistoryWithACLs fails with Hadoop3 and Jersey 1.19
TEZ-3943: TezClient leaks DAGClient for prewarm
TEZ-3939: Remove performance hit of precondition check in AM for register running task attempt
TEZ-3940: Reduce time to convert TaskFinishedEvent to string
TEZ-3902: Upgrade to netty-3.10.5.Final.jar
TEZ-3935: DAG aware scheduler should release unassigned new containers rather than hold them
TEZ-3937: Empty partition BitSet to byte[] conversion creates one extra byte in rounding error
TEZ-3824: MRCombiner creates new JobConf copy per spill
TEZ-3933: Remove sleep from test TestExceptionPropagation
TEZ-3911: Optional min/max/avg aggr. task counters reported to HistoryLoggingService at final counter aggr
TEZ-3932: TaskSchedulerManager can throw NullPointerException during DAGAppMaster container cleanup race
TEZ-3931: TestExternalTezServices fails on Hadoop3
TEZ-3930: TestDagAwareYarnTaskScheduler fails on Hadoop 3
TEZ-3927: TestReduceProcessor fails on Hadoop 3.x
TEZ-3924: TestDefaultSorter fails intermittently due random keys and interaction with RLE and partition collisions
TEZ-3914: Recovering a large DAG fails to size limit exceeded
TEZ-3887: Tez Shuffle Handler should support Index Cache configuration
TEZ-3914: Recovering a large DAG fails to size limit exceeded
TEZ-3817: DAGs can hang after more than one uncaught Exception during doTransition.
TEZ-3915: Create protobuf based history event logger.
TEZ-3909: DAG can hang if vertex with no tasks is killed
TEZ-3907: Improve log message to include the location the writers decide to spill output
TEZ-3874: NPE in TezClientUtils when "yarn.resourcemanager.zk-address" is present in Configuration.
TTEZ-3892: getClient API for TezClient
TEZ-3897: Tez Local Mode hang for vertices with broadcast input.
TEZ-3888: Update Jetty to org.eclipse.jetty 9.x
TEZ-3898: TestTezCommonUtils fails when compiled against hadoop version >= 2.8
TEZ-3896: TestATSV15HistoryLoggingService#testNonSessionDomains is failing
TEZ-3893: Tez Local Mode can hang for cases.
TEZ-3894: Tez intermediate outputs implicitly rely on permissive umask for shuffle
TEZ-3895: Missing name for local mode task scheduler service async request handler thread
TEZ-3770: DAG-aware YARN task scheduler
TEZ-3880: Do not count rejected tasks as killed in vertex progress
TEZ-3877: Delete unordered spill files once merge is done
HDP 3.0.0 and HDP 3.0.1 provided Tez 0.9.1 and no additional Apache patches.