Administering Hue
Reference architecture
Hue configuration files
Hue configurations in CDP Runtime
Hue Advanced Configuration Snippet
Hue logs
Standard stream logs
Hue service Django logs
Enabling DEBUG
Enabling httpd log rotation for Hue
Hue supported browsers
Adding a Hue service with Cloudera Manager
Adding a Hue role instance with Cloudera Manager
Customizing the Hue web UI
Adding a custom banner in Hue
Changing the page logo in Hue
Adding a splash screen in Hue
Setting the cache timeout
Enabling or disabling anonymous usage date collection
Configuring the number of objects displayed in Hue
Using Oracle database with Hue
Installing and configuring the Oracle server
(Optional) Configuring the character set
Creating Hue Schema in Oracle database
Downloading, staging, and activating the Oracle Instant Client parcel
(Optional) Upgrading cx_Oracle to 6.4.1
Configuring Oracle as backend database for Hue
Using MySQL database with Hue
Downloading and installing MySQL database
Configuring MySQL server
Installing and configuring MySQL on RHEL 8
Creating the Hue database
Configuring MySQL as the backend database for Hue
Configuring TLSv1.2-enforced MySQL server
Using MariaDB database with Hue
Downloading and installing MariaDB database
Configuring MariaDB server
Installing and configuring MariaDB on RHEL 8
Creating the Hue database
Configuring MariaDB as the backend database for Hue
Using PostgreSQL database with Hue
Download and install PostgreSQL
Configure the PostgreSQL server
Configure PostgreSQL as the backend database for Hue
Disabling the share option in Hue
Enabling Hue applications with Cloudera Manager
Running shell commands
Downloading and exporting data from Hue
Backing up the Hue database
Enabling a multi-threaded environment for Hue
Moving the Hue service to a different host
Migrating Hue service using Add Service wizard
Migrating Hue service by adding new role instances
Configuring timezone for Hue