Using Oracle database with Hue

You can use the Oracle database to store Hue metadata, job and query history, and account information. In CDP 7.1.x, Hue supports Oracle database versions 12c and 19c.

To use an Oracle database with Hue, you need:
  • Oracle Instant Client library: The Oracle Instant Client connects Hue to the backend Oracle database. The Oracle Client libraries provide the necessary network connectivity and tools such as SQL*Plus and Oracle Data Pump to access the data.
  • cx_Oracle Python extension module: The cx_Oracle module loads the Oracle Client libraries. The cx_Oracle module and the Oracle Client libraries communicate with the data over Oracle Net.

Hue uses Python version 2.7.5 and Django version 1.11. The most compatible cx_Oracle version that you can use with Hue is 6.4.1, which is included with CDP 7.1.7. If you are on an older version of CDP, or if you are upgrading to CDP from CDH 5.x or 6.x, then you must upgrade cx_Oracle from 5.2.1 to 6.4.1.

To use Oracle as a backend database for Hue, you can either install the Oracle Instant Client library and cx_Oracle Python extension module, or you can download and activate the Oracle Instant Client parcel on the Hue server host, and then set the database parameters in Cloudera Manager Hue configurations.