Cloudera Manager 7.6.7 Cumulative hotfix 4
Know more about the Cloudera Manager 7.6.7 cumulative hotfixes 4.
This cumulative hotfix was released on March 30, 2023.
- OPSAPS-68452: Azul Open JDK 8 and 11 are not supported with Cloudera Manager
Azul Open JDK 8 and 11 are not supported with Cloudera Manager. To use Azul Open JDK 8 or 11 for Cloudera Manager RPM/DEBs, you must manually create a symlink between the Zulu JDK installation path and the default JDK path.
- OPSAPS-63529
- The "deleteLatestSourceSnapshotOnJobFailure" HDFS policy property could be accessed only using CLI. You can now configure this parameter during HDFS replication policy creation using the field.
- OPSAPS-63571
- Sometimes, entries reported by the HDFS snapshot-diff report for deleted directories appear as modified. This might raise an FileNotFoundException error. In this scenario, you can configure the "com.cloudera.enterprise.distcp.hdfs-snapshot-diff-cleanup.enabled" advanced configuration snippet to address these unexpected entries.
- OPSAPS-63930
- By default, snapshot diff-based (incremental) HDFS -
HDFS replication uses a temp directory, created in the parent of replication
destination directory to synchronize source-side rename and delete operations:
deleted and renamed paths are first moved into this temporary directory, then the
renamed ones will be moved to their target followed by the deletion of this
temporary directory (thus deleting the paths scheduled to be deleted). Note that
OPSAPS-63759 provides an optional behavior to execute individual deletes without
these moves.
This behavior of incremental replication leads to failure and fallback to bootstrap (full file listing) replication when the replication process can not create this temporary directory (due to restrictive HDFS permissions) or when the replication destination contains one or more HDFS encryption zones (because HDFS moves can not cross encryption zone boundary).
This optional workaround solves these problems by executing rename operations in-place when possible, otherwise using the best possible temporary rename operations without the need of the above mentioned common temporary directory. Note that this workaround can be considered as a superset of OPSAPS-63759. That is when both are enabled, the current one is applied.
- OPSAPS-64925
- You could configure the numListstatusThreads parameter, that specifies the number of threads to be used for fetching the file statuses, only through CLI and not during the HDFS replication policy creation process. This issue is fixed.
- OPSAPS-65966
- Fixed an issue where Ranger policies were not automatically created for Kudu.
- OPSAPS-66107
- Avoiding unnecessary Resource Manager scheduled refresh in Global Pools Refresh command. During Autoscaling in the public cloud, the scheduled Global Pools refresh command was causing conflicts with the Resource Manager refresh command that is triggered by commission and decommission commands of Yarn service (which caused Autoscale failures as the Resource Manager refresh command was not available). This issue is fixed now.
The repositories for Cloudera Manager 7.6.7-CHF4 are listed in the following table:
Table 1. Cloudera Manager 7.6.7-CHF4 Repository Type Repository Location RHEL 8 Compatible Repository:
Repository File:
RHEL 7 Compatible Repository:
Repository File:
SLES 12 Repository:
Repository File:
Ubuntu 20 Repository:
Repository file:
Ubuntu 18 Repository:
Repository file: