Replication ManagerPDF version

View HDFS replication policy details

The Replications Policies page displays a row of information about each replication policy which includes recent messages about the last replication job run.

You can limit the replication jobs that are displayed by selecting filters on the left. If you do not see an expected policy, adjust or clear the filters. Use the search box to search the list of replication policies for path, database, or table names.

The following table describes the columns in the Replication Policies page:
Column Description
ID Internally generated ID number for the replication policy. Provides a convenient way to identify a policy.

Click the ID column label to sort the replication policies table by ID.

Name Unique name you specify when you created the replication policy.

Click the Name column label to sort the replication policies table by name.

Type Shows HDFS or Hive as the replication policy type.
Source Source cluster for the replication.
Destination Target cluster for the replication.
Throughput Average throughput per mapper/file of all the files written.
Progress Current replication job status.
Completed Time stamp when the replication job completed.

Click the Completed column label to sort the replication policies table by time.

Next Run Date and time for the next scheduled replication which depends on the schedule parameters you specified during policy creation. Hover over the date to view additional details about the scheduled replication.

Click the Next Run column label to sort the replication policies table by the next run date.

Actions Click:
  • Show History to open the Replication History page for a replication policy.
  • Edit Configuration to change the replication policy options as required.
  • Dry Run to simulate a run of the replication task where no files or tables are copied. After the dry run completes, select Show History to view the potential error messages and the number and size of files or tables that would be copied in an actual replication appears on the Replication History page.
  • Run Now to run the replication task immediately.
  • Collect Diagnostic Data to open the Send Diagnostic Data screen where you can collect replication-specific diagnostic data for the last 10 runs of the replication policy.

    In the Send Diagnostic Data screen, select Send Diagnostic Data to Cloudera to automatically send the bundle to Cloudera Support. You can also enter a ticket number and comments when sending the bundle. After you click Collect and Send Diagnostic Data, the Replication Manager generates the bundle and opens the Replications Diagnostics Command screen. When the command finishes, click Download Result Data to download a zip file containing the bundle.

  • Disable | Enable to disable the replication policy or enable the disabled replication policy. No further replications are scheduled for disabled replication policies.
  • Delete to remove the replication policy permanently from Replication Manager. Deleting a replication policy does not delete copied files or tables.

When a replication job is in progress, the Last Run column shows a spinner and progress bar, and each stage of the replication task is indicated in the message beneath the job's row. Click Command Details to view the command run details. If the job is successful, the number of files copied is indicated. If there have been no changes to a file at the source since the previous job, then that file is not copied. As a result, after the initial job, only a subset of the files may actually be copied, and this is indicated in the success message. Click Actions > Show History to view more information about the completed job.

The following sample image shows the Replication Policies page in Cloudera Manager: