Managing ClustersPDF version

Parcel Life Cycle

To enable upgrades and additions with minimal disruption, parcels have following phases:
  • Downloaded -The parcel software is copied to a local parcel directory on the Cloudera Manager Server, where it is available for distribution to other hosts in any of the clusters managed by this Cloudera Manager Server. You can have multiple parcels for a product downloaded to your Cloudera Manager Server. After a parcel has been downloaded to the Server, it is available for distribution on all clusters managed by the Server. A downloaded parcel appears in the cluster-specific section for every cluster managed by this Cloudera Manager Server.
  • Distributed - The parcel is copied to the cluster hosts, and components of the parcel are unpacked. Distributing a parcel does not upgrade the components running on your cluster; the current services continue to run unchanged. You can have multiple parcels distributed on your cluster. Distributing parcels does not require Internet access; the Cloudera Manager Agent on each cluster member downloads the parcels from the local parcel repository on the Cloudera Manager Server.
  • Activated - Links to the parcel components are created. Activation does not automatically stop the current services or perform a restart. You can restart services after activation, or the system administrator can determine when to perform those operations.
  • In Use - The parcel components on the cluster hosts are in use when you start or restart the services that use those components.
  • Deactivated - The links to the parcel components are removed from the cluster hosts.
  • Removed - The parcel components are removed from the cluster hosts.
  • Deleted - The parcel is deleted from the local parcel repository on the Cloudera Manager Server.

Cloudera Manager detects when new parcels are available. You can configure Cloudera Manager to download and distribute parcels automatically. .

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