Administering HuePDF version

Adding new role instances for Hue server, Hue Load Balancer, and Kerberos Ticket Renewer on new hosts

To migrate the Hue service from one host to another within the same cluster, you can add new hosts to your CDP cluster and then add the Hue Server, Hue Load Balancer, and Kerberos Ticket Renewer to the new host while inheriting the configurations from the existing roles.

  1. Sign in to Cloudera Manager as an Administrator.
  2. Add new hosts for Hue server, Hue Load Balancer, and Kerberos Ticket Renewer to your cluster by going to Hosts > Add Hosts.
  3. Go to Clusters > Hue service > Instances and click Add Role Instances.
  4. On the Assign Roles page, specify the role assignments for Kerberos Ticket Renewer, Load Balancer, and Hue Server by clicking Select hosts.
  5. Select the new hosts that you have added to your CDP cluster for each of these roles.
  6. Click Continue, review your changes, and exit the wizard.
  7. Go back to the Instances tab and start the new role instances by selecting the newly added roles and click Actions for Selected > Start.
    The newly configured roles inherit settings and configurations from the existing roles, including the configuration in the Advanced Configuration Snippet.
  8. Verify that the new roles have the same configuration as the existing roles and the Hue service functions as expected.
  9. Delete the Hue roles from the old host by selecting them and clicking Actions for Selected > Delete.
  10. Restart the Hue service.