Managing ClustersPDF version

Step 6: Select JDK

Cloudera Manager can automatically install a JDK on cluster hosts, or you can choose to install the JDK manually.

  1. Choose one of the following options:
    • Manually manage JDK

      If you select this option, you must ensure that a supported JDK is already installed on all hosts. You will need to manage installing the unlimited strength JCE policy file, if necessary. If you are installing OpenJDK 11*, you must select this option.

    • Install a Cloudera-provided version of OpenJDK 8

      Cloudera Manager installs a supported version of OpenJDK 8* on all hosts.

    • Install a system-provided version of OpenJDK

      Cloudera Manager installs the default version of OpenJDK 8* provided by the operating system.

  2. Click Continue.
* Azul OpenJDK, OpenJDK 8, and OpenJDK 11 are TCK certified for CDP.

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