RDBMS High Availability Support
Various Cloudera components rely on backing RDBMS services as critical infrastructure. You may require Cloudera components to support deployment in environments where RDBMS services are made highly-available. High availability (HA) solutions for RDBMS are implementation-specific, and can create constraints or behavioral changes in Cloudera components.
This section clarifies the support state and identifies known issues and limitations for HA deployments.
Upgrading Cloudera Manager and the Cloudera Manager database
When upgrading Cloudera Manager, there may be a minimum version requirement for the database server.
Ensure that the Cloudera Manager database server is upgraded to at least this minimum requirement prior to starting the new version of Cloudera Manager for the first time.
- Stop Cloudera Manager Server service.
- Upgrade the Cloudera Manager RPMs.
- Upgrade the Cloudera Manager database server version.
- Start the Cloudera Manager.
Upgrading CDP and the CDP Services databases
When upgrading CDP to a new version, the new version of CDP may have a minimum version requirement for the database server which holds services metadata.
- Stop CDP services which depend on the database server, or alternatively, stop the entire cluster.
- Upgrade the database server version.
- Upgrade CDP using Cloudera Manager.
- Start the stopped services, or the entire cluster.
When a database server upgrade is required, it is not possible to perform a rolling upgrade of the cluster.
High Availability vs. Load Balancing
Understanding the difference between HA and load balancing is important for Cloudera components, which are designed to assume services are provided by a single RDBMS instance. Load balancing distributes operations across multiple RDBMS services in parallel, while HA focuses on service continuity. Load balanced deployments are often used as part of HA strategies to overcome demands of monitoring and failover management in an HA environment. While less easier to implement, load-balanced deployments require applications tailored to the behavior and limitations of the particular technology.
Support Statement: Cloudera components are not designed for and do not support load balanced deployments of any kind. Any HA strategy involving multiple active RDBMS services must ensure all connections are routed to a single RDBMS service at any given time, regardless of vendor or HA implementation/technology.
General High Availability Support
Cloudera supports various RDBMS options, each of which have multiple possible strategies to implement HA. Cloudera cannot reasonably test and certify on each strategy for each RDBMS. Cloudera expects HA solutions for RDBMS to be transparent to Cloudera software, and therefore are not supported and debugged by Cloudera. It is the responsibility of the customer to provision, configure, and manage the RDBMS HA deployment, so that Cloudera software behaves as it would when interfacing with a single, non-HA service. Cloudera will support and help customers troubleshoot issues when a cluster has HA enabled. While diagnosing database-related problems in Cloudera components, customers may be required to temporarily disable or bypass HA mechanisms for troubleshooting purposes. If an HA-related issue is found, it is the responsibility of the customer to engage with the database vendor so that a solution to that issue can be found.
Support Statement: Cloudera Support may require customers to temporarily bypass HA layers and connect directly to supported RDBMS back-ends to troubleshoot issues. Issues observed only when connected through HA layers are the responsibility of the customer DBA staff to resolve.
RDBMS Storage Sizing
The amount of RDBMS storage space used by CDP Private Cloud Base varies depending on the services that are installed and the operations performed. Approximately, the amount of RDBMS storage needed is between 10 MB and 100 MB per host in the CDP cluster.
You can better estimate the RDBMS storage space by deploying a test cluster with the approximate proportion of service roles that the full cluster can bear. Later, execute a sample set of operations, (including Data Recovery backup) for about 24 hours and observe the storage usage on the RDBMS. Next, extrapolate the usage to the full cluster size.
Sharing an RDBMS with other applications
The ability to share an RDBMS storage between CDP Private Cloud Base and other applications depends on many factors. Cloudera recommends that you do not share the RDBMS used by CDP Private Cloud Base with any other application.
For non-production clusters where cluster size is small, not expected to grow, and occasional glitches are tolerable, it is acceptable to share a database with other applications.
For a production cluster, CDP Runtime services must not share a database server with other applications. For small clusters, this database can be shared by the CDP Runtime services. For large clusters (hosts > 500), each CDP Runtime service must have its own database server.
If you have a dedicated database team managing high-performance hardware, with the CDP Private Cloud Base databases stored on their own spindles (or raid array), then it can be possible to have the DB server shared with other applications. When the cluster size is very large (hosts > 1000), there might be performance issues between shared applications. Cloudera recommends that you do not share the CDP Private Cloud Base database server with other application usages.
If you do not have a dedicated database team that can analyze and tune RDBMS performance, it is recommended to follow the advice for MySQL as detailed above.
For single-server Oracle installations, see the above description related to PostgreSQL.
If you are using a clustered system like Oracle RAC, with multiple servers, it is possible to use a shared DB service, since it is no longer a single server. The end user's DB team must monitor DB latency, scale the hardware, or tune DB parameters to ensure optimal performance.
Latency target
For end users attempting to tune a shared RDBMS, ensure that elapsed times must not
exceed 40 milliseconds for the 99th percentile of SELECT
statements on
indexed single-row queries.