Replication ManagerPDF version

Troubleshooting replication policies between on-premises clusters

The troubleshooting scenarios in this topic help you to troubleshoot the replication policies that you create between on-premises clusters in Replication Manager.

You can configure the heap size to 16 GB using the extra Java runtime option. To accomplish this task, perform the following steps:
  1. Go to the Cloudera Manager > HDFS service > Configuration tab on the source cluster.
  2. Locate the HDFS Replication Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) property.
  3. Enter the HADOOP_OPTS="-Xmx16G" key-value pair and save the changes.
  4. Restart the HDFS service.
  5. Perform steps 1 through 4 on the target cluster Cloudera Manager.

The Replication Strategy option that you can configure during policy creation takes care of file replication task distribution. By default, this option is set to Dynamic; that is Replication Manager distributes the file replication tasks in small sets to the mappers, and as each mapper completes its tasks, it dynamically acquires and processes the next unallocated set of tasks.

However, you can configure it to Static. The file replication tasks among the mappers are set upfront to achieve a uniform distribution based on the file sizes.

Mappers in addition to copying files also perform several tasks which include creating directories, preserving permissions and other metadata, calculating checksums, and identifying files to skip for replication. The mappers might also get throttled by the network. The following example describes a typical scenario and ways to resolve issues that might arise.

Example: A replication policy incrementally copies ~100K new/modified files and skips ~10M files every few hours. You can optimize the policy performance for on-premises to on-premises clusters by:
  • Configuring the mappers based on the requirements using the Maximum Map Slots option. By default, this option is set to 20.
  • Choose Skip Checksum Checks during policy creation since the number of files that are skipped is high. This ensures that checksum checks are skipped on copied files.
  • Check the Throughput column for the replication policy on the Replication Policies page for average throughput per mapper/file of all the files written. You can use more mappers with less bandwidth per mapper, if required. Configure Maximum Bandwidth to limit the bandwidth per mapper. By default, this is set to 100 MB.
You must consider creating multiple replication policies instead of one replication policy to replicate all the directories and files in a cluster because:
  • the performance improves if you run multiple replication policies at once in parallel.
  • reliability can be ensured even if a replication policy fails.
  • you have the flexibility to run the replication policies with less resources and at different intervals.
You can run several replication policies in parallel depending on the following factors:
  • Number of available mappers
  • Available network bandwidth
  • Load on source and target NameNodes
  • Read bandwidth on source DataNodes and write bandwidth of target DataNodes

It is recommended that you go for the lower side of these limits so that the other applications are also able to access these resources successfully. You can decide the number of concurrent replications depending on the available number of mappers and network bandwidth. For example, if you have a 10 GBps network, you might want to run five replication policies with 20 mappers each in parallel rather than one replication policy with 100 mappers and 100 MBps bandwidth per mapper.

You might want to monitor the write speed on the target cluster if the total bandwidth is more than 100 GBps and you are utilizing all the available bandwidth for the replication policy jobs. This is because the target DataNodes require 3x (or the configured replication factor) write bandwidth for write operations.

Replication Manager uses MapReduce or YARN framework for its replication jobs and the jobs use 20 mappers and a maximum of 100 MB/s network bandwidth utilization by default. You can change this based on the size of the clusters and total data or resources that you want to assign to the replication policy jobs.

It is recommended that you use a YARN resource pool to configure the percentage of resources you want to assign to the replication jobs. This ensures that the replication policy jobs do not consume more than the assigned percentage of resources. You can also configure isolation of resources by specifying which users can use certain resources.

To configure a new YARN resource pool, go to the Cloudera Manager > Clusters > YARN service > Resource Pools (Tab) > Configuration > Create Resource Pool tab.

To use this resource pool in a replication policy, go to the Cloudera Manager > Replication Policies > Actions > Edit Configuration > Resources (Tab) > Scheduler Pool field and enter the YARN resource pool name.

During the time duration when Cloudera Manager fails over a passive instance, the previously active Cloudera Manager instance is not up and the local temporary folder on the previously active Cloudera Manager host) used by replication policies becomes inaccessible for the currently active Cloudera Manager instance. Therefore, the replication policies that have a Cloudera Manager peer associated to it (Hive external replication policies and HDFS replication policies between on-premises to on-premises clusters) fail if they are initiated during that time duration. Subsequent runs of the same policy in the absence of a failover event eventually succeed.

To avoid these issues, you can implement the solutions based on the following scenarios:
  • Controlled or planned Cloudera Manager failover - In this scenario, you can stop or pause existing replication policy job run. You might want to postpone creating any replication policies during the failover time duration.
  • Unplanned failover - In this scenario, you can use one of the following methods:
    • Re-run the failed replication policies.
    • Wait for the next planned replication policy run.
    • Restore the replicated content to a previous snapshot and re-run the replication policy.

When an HDFS replication policy (incremental replication) fails, the last successfully replicated snapshot gets deleted. Therefore, the next policy run starts a full bootstrap replication. For large datasets, the bootstrap replication takes a long time to complete.

To mitigate this issue, set the deleteLatestSourceSnapshotOnJobFailure flag to false using REST API for the replication policy. After you set the flag to false, the last replicated snapshot is not deleted even when the replication fails. Therefore, the next policy run is an incremental run.