Installing Operational Database powered by Apache AccumuloPDF version

Install Operational Database powered by Apache Accumulo CSD file

As Operational Database powered by Apache Accumulo (OpDB) is an add-on service, you have to install its Custom Services Descriptor (CSD) file to manage the Accumulo on CDP service.

A Custom Services Descriptor (CSD) file contains all the configuration needed to describe and manage a new service. A CSD is provided in the form of a JAR file. For more information about CSD files, see the Custom Service Descriptor Files section in the Add-on Services documentation.

Install Cloudera Manager.
  1. Download the ACCUMULO_CDP-1.0.0 jar file for the CSD that provides the Accumulo on CDP service.
    You can download that JAR file from:
  2. Copy the ACCUMULO_CDP-1.0.0.jar file to the location where Cloudera Manager is configured to look for the CSD files. That is by default in the /opt/cloudera/csd folder on the host where Cloudera Manager is running.
  3. Restart Cloudera Manager as described in the Configuring the Location of Customer Service section in the Add-on Services documentation.
Install CDP cluster and services.