Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Filter Attributes

The following table includes available filter attributes and their names in Cloudera Manager, types, and descriptions.

Table 1. Attributes
Display Name

(Attribute Name)

Type Supports Filtering? Description
Admission Result


STRING TRUE The result of admission, whether immediately, queued, rejected, or timed out. Called 'admission_result' in searches.
Admission Wait Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE The time from submission for admission to completion of admission. Called 'admission_wait' in searches.
Aggregate Peak Memory Usage


BYTES TRUE The highest amount of memory allocated by this query at a particular time across all nodes. Called 'memory_aggregate_peak' in searches.
Bytes Streamed


BYTES TRUE The total number of bytes sent between Impala Daemons while processing this query. Called 'bytes_streamed' in searches.
Client Fetch Wait Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE The total amount of time the query spent waiting for the client to fetch row data. Called 'client_fetch_wait_time' in searches.
Client Fetch Wait Time Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The total amount of time the query spent waiting for the client to fetch row data divided by the query duration. Called 'client_fetch_wait_time_percentage' in searches.
Connected User


STRING TRUE The user who created the Impala session that issued this query. This is distinct from 'user' only if delegation is in use. Called 'connected_user' in searches.


STRING TRUE The host coordinating this query. Called 'coordinator_host_id' in searches.


STRING TRUE The database on which the query was run. Called 'database' in searches.
DDL Type


STRING TRUE The type of DDL query. Called 'ddl_type' in searches.
Delegated User


STRING TRUE The effective user for the query. This is set only if delegation is in use. Called 'delegated_user' in searches.


MILLISECONDS TRUE The duration of the query in milliseconds. Called 'query_duration' in searches.
Estimated per Node Peak Memory


BYTES TRUE The planning process's estimate of per-node peak memory usage for the query. Called 'estimated_per_node_peak_memory' in searches.


BOOLEAN FALSE Whether the query is currently executing. Called 'executing' in searches.
File Formats


STRING FALSE An alphabetically sorted list of all the file formats used in the query. Called 'file_formats' in searches.
HBase Bytes Read


BYTES TRUE The total number of bytes read from HBase by this query. Called 'hbase_bytes_read' in searches.
HBase Scanner Average Read Throughput


BYTES_PER_SECOND TRUE The average HBase scanner read throughput for this query. This is computed by dividing the total bytes read from HBase by the total time spent reading by all HBase scanners. Called 'hbase_scanner_average_bytes_read_per_second' in searches.
HDFS Average Scan Range


BYTES TRUE The average HDFS scan range size for this query. HDFS scan nodes that contained only a single scan range are not included in this computation. Low numbers for a query might indicate reading many small files which negatively impacts performance. Called 'hdfs_average_scan_range' in searches.
HDFS Bytes Read


BYTES TRUE The total number of bytes read from HDFS by this query. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read' in searches.
HDFS Bytes Read From Cache


BYTES TRUE The total number of bytes read from HDFS that were read from the HDFS cache. This is only for completed queries. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read_from_cache' in searches.
HDFS Bytes Read From Cache Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The percentage of all bytes read by this query that were read from the HDFS cache. This is only for completed queries. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read_from_cache_percentage' in searches.
HDFS Bytes Skipped


BYTES TRUE The total number of bytes that had to be skipped by this query while reading from HDFS. Any number above zero may indicate a problem. Called 'hdfs_bytes_skipped' in searches.
HDFS Bytes Written


BYTES TRUE The total number of bytes written to HDFS by this query. Called 'hdfs_bytes_written' in searches.
HDFS Local Bytes Read


BYTES TRUE The total number of local bytes read from HDFS by this query. This is only for completed queries. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read_local' in searches.
HDFS Local Bytes Read Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The percentage of all bytes read from HDFS by this query that were local. This is only for completed queries. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read_local_percentage' in searches.
HDFS Remote Bytes Read


BYTES TRUE The total number of remote bytes read from HDFS by this query. This is only for completed queries. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read_remote' in searches.
HDFS Remote Bytes Read Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The percentage of all bytes read from HDFS by this query that were remote. This is only for completed queries. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read_remote_percentage' in searches.
HDFS Scanner Average Read Throughput


BYTES_PER_SECOND TRUE The average HDFS scanner read throughput for this query. This is computed by dividing the total bytes read from HDFS by the total time spent reading by all HDFS scanners. Called 'hdfs_scanner_average_bytes_read_per_second' in searches.
HDFS Short Circuit Bytes Read


BYTES TRUE The total number of bytes read from HDFS by this query that used short-circuit reads. This is only for completed queries. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read_short_circuit' in searches.
HDFS Short Circuit Bytes Read Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The percentage of all bytes read from HDFS by this query that used short-circuit reads. This is only for completed queries. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read_short_circuit_percentage' in searches.
Impala Version


STRING TRUE The version of the Impala Daemon coordinating this query. Called 'impala_version' in searches.
Memory Accrual


BYTE_SECONDS TRUE The total accrued memory usage by the query. This is computed by multiplying the average aggregate memory usage of the query by the query's duration. Called 'memory_accrual' in searches.
Memory Spilled


BYTES TRUE Amount of memory spilled to disk. Called 'memory_spilled' in searches.
Network Address


STRING TRUE The network address that issued this query. Called 'network_address' in searches.
Node with Peak Memory Usage


STRING TRUE The node with the highest peak memory usage for this query. See Per Node Peak Memory Usage for the actual peak value. Called 'memory_per_node_peak_node' in searches.
Out of Memory


BOOLEAN TRUE Whether the query ran out of memory. Called 'oom' in searches.
Per Node Peak Memory Usage


BYTES TRUE The highest amount of memory allocated by any single node that participated in this query. See Node with Peak Memory Usage for the name of the peak node. Called 'memory_per_node_peak' in searches.
Planning Wait Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE The total amount of time the query spent waiting for planning to complete. Called 'planning_wait_time' in searches.
Planning Wait Time Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The total amount of time the query spent waiting for planning to complete divided by the query duration. Called 'planning_wait_time_percentage' in searches.


STRING TRUE The name of the resource pool in which this query executed. Called 'pool' in searches. If YARN is in use, this corresponds to a YARN pool. Within YARN, a pool is referred to as a queue.
Query ID


STRING FALSE The id of this query. Called 'query_id' in searches.
Query State


STRING TRUE The current state of the query (running, finished, and so on). Called 'query_state' in searches.
Query Status


STRING TRUE The status of the query. If the query hasn't failed the status will be 'OK', otherwise it will provide more information on the cause of the failure. Called 'query_status' in searches.
Query Type


STRING TRUE The type of the query's SQL statement (DML, DDL, Query). Called 'query_type' in searches.
Resource Reservation Wait Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE The total amount of time the query spent waiting for pool resources to become available . Called 'resources_reserved_wait_time' in searches.
Resource Reservation Wait Time Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The total amount of time the query spent waiting for pool resources to become available divided by the query duration. Called 'resources_reserved_wait_time_percentage' in searches.
Rows Inserted


NUMBER TRUE The number of rows inserted by the query. Called 'rows_inserted' in searches.
Rows Produced


NUMBER TRUE The number of rows produced by the query. Called 'rows_produced' in searches.
Service Name


STRING FALSE The name of the Impala service. Called 'service_name' in searches.
Session ID


STRING TRUE The ID of the session that issued this query. Called 'session_id' in searches.
Session Type


STRING TRUE The type of the session that issued this query. Called 'session_type' in searches.


STRING FALSE The query's SQL statement. Called 'statement' in searches.
Statistics Missing


BOOLEAN TRUE Whether the query was flagged with missing table or column statistics warning during the planning process. Called 'stats_missing' in searches.
Threads: CPU Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE The sum of the CPU time used by all threads of the query. Called 'thread_cpu_time' in searches.
Threads: CPU Time Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The sum of the CPU time used by all threads of the query divided by the total thread time. Called 'thread_cpu_time_percentage' in searches.
Threads: Network Receive Wait Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE The sum of the time spent waiting to receive data over the network by all threads of the query. A query will almost always have some threads waiting to receive data from other nodes in the query's execution tree. Unlike other wait times, network receive wait time does not usually indicate an opportunity for improving a query's performance. Called 'thread_network_receive_wait_time' in searches.
Threads: Network Receive Wait Time Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The sum of the time spent waiting to receive data over the network by all threads of the query divided by the total thread time. A query will almost always have some threads waiting to receive data from other nodes in the query's execution tree. Unlike other wait times, network receive wait time does not usually indicate an opportunity for improving a query's performance. Called 'thread_network_receive_wait_time_percentage' in searches.
Threads: Network Send Wait Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE The sum of the time spent waiting to send data over the network by all threads of the query. Called 'thread_network_send_wait_time' in searches.
Threads: Network Send Wait Time Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The sum of the time spent waiting to send data over the network by all threads of the query divided by the total thread time. Called 'thread_network_send_wait_time_percentage' in searches.
Threads: Storage Wait Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE The sum of the time spent waiting for storage by all threads of the query. Called 'thread_storage_wait_time' in searches.
Threads: Storage Wait Time Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The sum of the time spent waiting for storage by all threads of the query divided by the total thread time. Called 'thread_storage_wait_time_percentage' in searches.
Threads: Total Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE The sum of thread CPU, storage wait and network wait times used by all threads of the query. Called 'thread_total_time' in searches.


STRING TRUE The effective user for the query. This is the delegated user if delegation is in use. Otherwise, this is the connected user. Called 'user' in searches.
Work CPU Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE Attribute measuring the sum of CPU time used by all threads of the query, in milliseconds. Called 'work_cpu_time' in searches. For Impala queries, CPU time is calculated based on the 'TotalCpuTime' metric. For YARN MapReduce applications, this is calculated from the 'cpu_milliseconds' metric.

Consider the following filter expressions: user = "root", rowsProduced > 0, fileFormats RLIKE ".TEXT.*", and executing = true. In the examples:

  • The filter attributes are user, rowsProduced, fileFormats, and executing.
  • The operators are =, >, and RLIKE.
  • The filter values are root, 0, .TEXT.*, and true.