Installing Operational Database powered by Apache AccumuloPDF version

Check trace table

After you have added the Accumulo on CDP service as a part of the Operational Database powered by Apache Accumulo (OpDB) installation, you have to check if the trace table, that records the time span of operations, exists.

OpDB records the time that various operations take when tracing is turned on. It follows all the requests made on behalf of the user throughout the distributed infrastructure of Accumulo, and across all threads of execution.

These timespans are inserted into the trace table in OpDB. You can browse recent traces from the Accumulo monitor page. You can also read the trace table directly like any other table.

  • Install the OpDB CSD file.
  • Install CDP and add the HDFS and ZooKeeper services to your deployment.
  • Install the OpDB parcel.
  • Add the Accumulo on CDP service to your deployment.
  1. Launch the Accumulo shell for the admin user.
    • Unsecure OpDB
      $ accumulo shell -u root
      Password: ******
      Shell - Apache Accumulo Interactive Shell
      - version: [***ACCUMULO VERSION NUMBER***]
      - instance name: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE NAME***]
      - instance id: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE ID***]
      - type 'help' for a list of available commands
    • Secure OpDB
      kinit -kt /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/[***TIMESTAMP***]-[***SERVICE NAME***]-[***INSTANCE NAME***]/accumulo_on_cdp.keytab accumulo/$[***HOSTNAME***]
      accumulo shell
      Shell - Apache Accumulo Interactive Shell
      - version: [***ACCUMULO VERSION NUMBER***]
      - instance name: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE NAME***]
      - instance id: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE ID***]
      - type 'help' for a list of available commands
  2. List tables and check if the trace table exists.
    > tables
  3. If the trace table does not exist, create it with the following command: createtable trace.
Provide user permissions.