Apache Hive OverviewPDF version

Installing Hive on Tez and adding a HiveServer role

Cloudera Runtime (CR) services include Hive on Tez and Hive Metastore (HMS). Hive on Tez is a SQL query engine using Apache Tez that performs the HiveServer (HS2) role in a Cloudera cluster. You need to install Hive on Tez and HMS in the correct order; otherwise, HiveServer fails. You need to install additional HiveServer roles to Hive on Tez, not the Hive service; otherwise, HiveServer fails.

  1. Add the Hive service to a cluster.
  2. Add the Hive on Tez service to the same cluster.
    The Hive on Tez service includes the HiveServer2 role.
  3. Accept the default, or change the Hive warehouse location for managed and external tables as described below.