Apache Impala ReferencePDF version

Impala with Kudu

You can use Impala to query tables stored by Apache Kudu. This capability allows convenient access to a storage system that is tuned for different kinds of workloads than the default with Impala.

By default, Impala tables are stored on HDFS. HDFS files are ideal for bulk loads (append operations) and queries using full-table scans, but do not support in-place updates or deletes. Kudu is an alternative storage engine used by Impala which can do both in-place updates (for mixed read/write workloads) and fast scans (for data-warehouse/analytic operations). Using Kudu tables with Impala can simplify the ETL pipeline by avoiding extra steps to segregate and reorganize newly arrived data.

The underlying storage is managed and organized by Kudu, not represented as HDFS data files.

The combination of Kudu and Impala works best for tables where scan performance is important, but data arrives continuously, in small batches, or needs to be updated without being completely replaced. HDFS-backed tables can require substantial overhead to replace or reorganize data files as new data arrives. Impala can perform efficient lookups and scans within Kudu tables, and Impala can also perform update or delete operations efficiently. You can also use the Kudu Java, C++, and Python APIs to do ingestion or transformation operations outside of Impala, and Impala can query the current data at any time.

With HDFS-backed tables, you are typically concerned with the number of DataNodes in the cluster, how many and how large HDFS data files are read during a query, and therefore the amount of work performed by each DataNode and the network communication to combine intermediate results and produce the final result set.

Certain Impala SQL statements and clauses, such as DELETE, UPDATE, UPSERT, and PRIMARY KEY work only with Kudu tables.

Other statements and clauses, such as LOAD DATA, TRUNCATE TABLE, and INSERT OVERWRITE, are not applicable to Kudu tables.

For queries involving Kudu tables, Impala can delegate much of the work of filtering the result set to Kudu, avoiding some of the I/O involved in full table scans of tables containing HDFS data files. This type of optimization is especially effective for partitioned Kudu tables, where the Impala query WHERE clause refers to one or more primary key columns that are also used as partition key columns. For example, if a partitioned Kudu table uses a HASH clause for col1 and a RANGE clause for col2, a query using a clause such as WHERE col1 IN (1,2,3) AND col2 > 100 can determine exactly which tablet servers contain relevant data, and therefore parallelize the query efficiently.

Impala can push down additional information to optimize join queries involving Kudu tables. If the join clause contains predicates of the form column = expression, after Impala constructs a hash table of possible matching values for the join columns from the bigger table (either an HDFS table or a Kudu table), Impala can push down the minimum and maximum matching column values to Kudu, so that Kudu can more efficiently locate matching rows in the second (smaller) table. These min/max filters are affected by the RUNTIME_FILTER_MODE, RUNTIME_FILTER_WAIT_TIME_MS, and DISABLE_ROW_RUNTIME_FILTERING query options; the min/max filters are not affected by the RUNTIME_BLOOM_FILTER_SIZE, RUNTIME_FILTER_MIN_SIZE, RUNTIME_FILTER_MAX_SIZE, and MAX_NUM_RUNTIME_FILTERS query options.

The TABLESAMPLE clause of the SELECT statement does not apply to a table reference derived from a view, a subquery, or anything other than a real base table. This clause only works for tables backed by HDFS or HDFS-like data files, therefore it does not apply to Kudu tables.

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