Cumulative hotfix CDP PvC Base (SP2 cumulative hotfix4)
Know more about the cumulative hotfixes 4 for 7.1.7 SP2. This cumulative hotfix is released on March 30, 2023.
Following are the list of fixes that were shipped for CDP private cloud-base version 7.1.7-1.cdh7.1.7.p2011.39229056
- CDPD-51874: Exclude netty3 from SMM
- CDPD-50667: assistpanel fails to open files/folders in filebrowser
- CDPD-50611: Backport HIVE-27056 to CDH-
- CDPD-50535: [] - Add unique constraint on resource_signature column of x_rms_service_resource table
- CDPD-50501: Backport Hue PR 2390 to 7.1.7
- CDPD-50456: [7.1.7.x]- Unable to delete the user if policy is created by same user and added in the policy item
- CDPD-50453: [7.1.7.x]- Ranger - Upgrade snakeyaml due to CVE-2022-1471
- CDPD-50435: [7.1.7.x] - No policy found for given version in Ranger Audit page
- CDPD-50391: backport IMPALA-11960 to 7.1.7 SP2
- CDPD-50044: Provide LiveNode and DeadNode filter in DataNode UI
- CDPD-50032: Solr: CVE-2023-24998-upgrade commons-fileupload library to version 1.5
- CDPD-49575: Backport fix for CVE-2021-38296: Apache Spark Key Negotiation Vulnerability
- CDPD-48495: Incorrectly encoded next-param
- CDPD-48250: Import table data to external location fails for %20
- CDPD-48149: Cannot download file when using apache knox
- CDPD-48120: DAS - Upgrade jackson-databind to due to high CVEs
- CDPD-48033: Zeppelin - Upgrade jettison to 1.5.2 due to CVE-2022-45685 and CVE-2022-45693
- CDPD-48031: Tez - Upgrade jettison to 1.5.3 due to CVE-2022-45685 and CVE-2022-45693
- CDPD-48012: DAS - Upgrade handlebars to 4.3.1 due to security CVEs (CVE-2019-19919)
- CDPD-48009: DAS - Upgrade httpclient to 4.5.13+ / 5.0.3+ due to CVE-2020-13956
- CDPD-47567: Errors in HS2 logs when downloading file from Hue
- CDPD-47253: Spark - Upgrade commons-codec to 1.13 or higher
- CDPD-46773: Backport HIVE-26740: HS2 makes direct connections to HMS backend DB due to Compaction/StatsUpdater
- CDPD-46376: Use secure XML parser utils in MapReduce
- CDPD-46375: Use secure XML parser utils in YARN
- CDPD-43489: Hive Security - Upgrade Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java to v28.2/31.1-jre due to medium CVEs
- CDPD-42040: SRM - Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.13.3 due to high CVEs
- CDPD-42039: SMM - Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.13.3 due to high CVEs
- CDPD-42035: Schema Registry - Upgrade jackson-databind to or due to high CVEs
- CDPD-42027: Kafka Connect - Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.13.3 due to high CVEs
- CDPD-42026: Kafka - Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.13.3 due to critical CVEs
- CDPD-42020: Cruise Control - Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.13.3 due to high CVEs
- CDPD-35723: Backport fix for CVE-2021-38296: Apache Spark Key Negotiation Vulnerability
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