Encrypting Data at RestPDF version

Managing Re-encryption Operations

There are various facets of the EDEK re-encryption process such as cancelling re-encryption, rolling keys during a re-encryption operation, and throttling re-encryption operations.

Only users with the HDFS Superuser privilege can cancel the EDEK re-encryption after the operation has started.

To cancel a re-encryption:

hadoop crypto -reencryptZone cancel -path <zone>

While it is not recommended, it is possible to roll the encryption zone key version on the KMS while a re-encryption of that encryption zone is already in progress in the NameNode. The re-encryption is guaranteed to complete with all DEKs re-encrypted, with a key version equal to or later than the encryption zone key version when the re-encryption command was submitted. This means that, if initially the key version is rolled from v0 to v1, then a re-encryption command was submitted. If later on the KMS the key version is rolled again to v2, then all EDEKs will be at least re-encrypted to v1. To ensure that all EDEKs are re-encrypted to v2, submit another re-encryption command for the encryption zone.

Rolling keys during re-encryption is not recommended because of the potential negative impact on key management operations. Due to the asynchronous nature of re-encryption, there is no guarantee of when, exactly, the rolled encryption keys will take effect. Re-encryption can only guarantee that all EDEKs are re-encrypted at least on the EZ key version that existed when the re-encryption command is issued.

With the default operation settings, you will not typically need to throttle re-encryption operations. However, in cases of excessive performance impact due to the re-encryption of large numbers of files, advanced users have the option of throttling the operation so that the impact on the HDFS NameNode and KT KMS are minimized.

Specifically, you can throttle the operation to control the rate of the following:
  • The number of EDEKs that the NameNode should send to the KMS to re-encrypt in a batch (dfs.namenode.reencrypt.batch.size)
  • The number of threads in the NameNode that can run concurrently to contact the KMS. (dfs.namenode.reencrypt.edek.threads)
  • Percentage of time the NameNode read-lock should be held by the re-encryption thread (dfs.namenode.reencrypt.throttle.limit.handler.ratio)
  • Percentage of time the NameNode write-lock should be held by the re-encryption thread (dfs.namenode.reencrypt.throttle.limit.updater.ratio)

You can monitor the HDFS NameNode heap and CPU usage from Cloudera Manager.