Configuring and Using Hive-HDFS ACL SyncPDF version

Configure High Availability for Hive-HDFS ACL Sync

Use the following steps to configure high availability for the Ranger Resource Mapping Server (RMS) and Hive-HDFS ACL Sync.

  1. In Cloudera Manager, select Ranger RMS, then select Actions > Add Role Instances.
  2. On the Add Role Instances page, click Select hosts.
  3. On the selected hosts page, select a backup Ranger RMS host. A Ranger RM (RR) icon appears in the Added Roles column for the selected host. Click OK to continue.
  4. The Add Role Instances page is redisplayed with the new backup host. Click Continue.
  5. Review the settings on the Review Changes page, then click Continue.
  6. The new role instance appears on the Ranger RMS page.
  7. In Cloudera Manager, select Ranger RMS, then click Configuration.
    1. Select the Ranger RMS Server HA checkbox. In the Ranger RMS Server IDs box, add a comma-separated list of IDs for each RMS server.
    2. Use the Add (+) icons for the Ranger RMS Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for ranger-rms-conf/ranger-rms-site.xml property to add entries for each RMS host with its corresponding server ID.
      • ranger-rms.server.address.id1=<hostname of RMS server for id1>:8383
      • ranger-rms.server.address.id2=<hostname of RMS server for id2>:8383
  8. Click Save Changes, then Click the Restart icon.
  9. On the Stale Configurations page, click Restart Stale Services.
  10. On the Restart Stale Services page, select the Re-deploy client configuration checkbox, then click Restart Now.
  11. A progress indicator page appears while the services are being restarted. When the services have restarted, click Finish.