Configuring and Using Hive-HDFS ACL SyncPDF version

Configure Hive-HDFS ACL Sync

Ranger Resource Mapping Server (RMS) should be fully configured after installation. This topic provides further information about RMS configuration settings and workflows.

  • Ranger RMS enables HDFS access via Ranger Hive policies. Ranger RMS must be configured with the names of HDFS and Hive services (AKA Repos). In your installation, there may be multiple Ranger services created for HDFS and Hive. These can be seen from the Ranger Admin web UI. RMS ACL sync is designed to work on a specific pair of HDFS and Hive Ranger services. Therefore, it is important to identify those service names before Ranger RMS is installed. These names should be configured during the installation of Ranger RMS. The default value for Ranger HDFS service name is cm_hdfs, and for the Ranger Hive service the default name is cm_hive.

  • Before starting the Ranger RMS installation, ensure that the Hive service identified in the installation above allows the rangerrms user select access to all tables in all databases in default, as well as in all security-zones for the Hive service.

  • By default, Ranger RMS tracks only external tables in Hive. To configure Ranger RMS to also track managed Hive tables, add the following configuration setting to Ranger RMS.
  • In Cloudera Manager, select HDFS > Configuration > HDFS Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for ranger-hdfs-security.xml, then confirm the following settings: = cm_hive = org.apache.ranger.chainedplugin.hdfs.hive.RangerHdfsHiveChainedPlugin

At a high level, the Ranger RMS workflow is as follows:

  • Ranger policies for the HDFS service are evaluated. If any policy explicitly denies access, access is denied.

  • Ranger checks to see if the accessed location maps to a Hive table.

  • If it does, Hive policies are evaluated for the mapped Hive table. If there is an HDFS policy allowing access, access is allowed. Otherwise, the default HDFS ACLs determine the access.

  • Requested HDFS permission is mapped to Hive permissions as follows:

    HDFS ‘read’ ==> Hive ‘select’

    HDFS ‘write’ ==> Hive ‘update’ or ‘alter’

    HDFS ‘execute’ ==> Any Hive permission

  • If there is no Hive policy that explicitly allows access to the mapped table, access is denied, otherwise access is allowed.

Appropriate tag policies are considered both during HDFS access evaluation and if needed, during Hive access evaluation phases. Also, one or more log records are generated to indicate which policy, if any, made the access decision.

The following scenarios illustrate how the access permissions are determined. All scenarios assume that the HDFS location is NOT explicitly denied access by a Ranger HDFS policy.

  • Location does not correspond to a Hive table.
    • In this case, access will be granted only if a Ranger HDFS policy allows access or HDFS native ACLs allow access. The audit log will show which policy (or Hadoop-acl) made the decision.
  • Location corresponds to a Hive table.
    • A Ranger Hive policy explicitly denied access to the mapped table for any of the accesses derived from the original HDFS request.

      Access will be denied by Hive policy.

    • There is no matching Ranger Hive policy.

      Access will be denied. Audit log will not specify the policy.

    • Ranger policy masks some columns in the mapped table.

      Access will be denied. Audit log will show Hive masking policy.

    • Mapped Hive table has a row-filter policy

      Access will be denied. Audit log will show Hive Row-filter policy.

    • A Ranger Hive policy allows access to the mapped table for the access derived from the original HDFS access request.

      Access will be granted. If the access was originally granted by HDFS policy, the audit log will show HDFS policy.