Cloudera Runtime Release NotesPDF version

Fixed Issues in Apache Sqoop

Review the list of Atlas issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.7.

CDPD-20444: The Sqoop build no longer shades the avro and parquet libraries as it wasn't needed for a long time. Also Oozie now automatically pulls in the necessary avro and parquet libraries into Oozie's Sqoop sharelib. Hence if avro or parquet is used with Sqoop with an Oozie Sqoop action then customers don't need to copy these libraries to sharelib manually.
This issue is resolved.
OPSAPS-59624: Cloudera Manager is now capable of enabling and configuring the Sqoop Atlas Hook. See: The configuration happens automatically, no extra, manual configuration is required from the users. Cloudera Manager will configure the Hook in sqoop-site.xml and it will automatically generate the file for Sqoop.If you are installing a fresh cluster with Atlas being present, then the Hook will be enabled automatically and the will be generated for Sqoop. If you are upgrading from an older cluster then you need to enable the Hook manually. For that go to Sqoop's configuration page, search for "Atlas", enable the checkbox and then re-deploy the client configurations via Cloudera Manager.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-21148: Accumulo support was completely removed from Sqoop.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-23157: Sqoop Teradata import fails if source table is empty
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-24462: In certain scenarios Sqoop left database connections open. We made connections handling safer and fixed the underlying issues.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-24825: Fixed a bug where getPrimaryKeyQuery returned the columns in a non-deterministic order.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-25689: Fixing regression introduced in SQOOP-2846 when using update-key in Sqoop export command. The problem occurred when Sqoop export was used with --update-key and --columns arguments at the same time. In this scenario, the --columns argument got ignored which is now fixed.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-19647: When the --query parameter is used with --as-orcfile Sqoop displays an error.
This is is resolved.
CDPD-18796: Oozie version returns improper values
The oozie version command now returns the proper Oozie version and build time. This is is resolved.
CDPD-19934: During Hive import when no --hs2-url parameter was specified and Sqoop did the import via the beeline command line utility, in the beeline process launched by Sqoop only the following environment variables were preserved from the parent process: HADOOP_COMMON_HOME, HADOOP_HOME, HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME, HBASE_HOME, HCAT_HOME, HIVE_HOME, JAVA_HOME, PATH, ZOOKEEPER_HOME. Now you can specify custom environment variables to preserve through: 1. By specifying the "sqoop.beeline.env.preserve" system-property for the Sqoop command. For example, sqoop import -Dsqoop.beeline.env.preserve=MY_VARIBALE 2. Or by specifying the "sqoop.beeline.env.preserve" property as a sqoop-site.xml safety-valve in Cloudera Manager and then it will be applied for every sqoop Hive import.
This is is resolved.