Apache Kafka OverviewPDF version


Learn more about Brokers.

Kafka is a distributed system that implements the basic features of an ideal publish-subscribe system. Each host in the Kafka cluster runs a server called a broker that stores messages sent to the topics and serves consumer requests.

Figure 1. Brokers in a Publish-Subscribe System

Kafka is designed to run on multiple hosts, with one broker per host. If a host goes offline, Kafka does its best to ensure that the other hosts continue running. This solves part of the “No Downtime” and “Unlimited Scaling” goals of the ideal publish-subscribe system.

Kafka brokers all talk to Zookeeper for distributed coordination, which also plays a key role in achieving the "Unlimited Scaling" goal from the ideal system.

Topics are replicated across brokers. Replication is an important part of “No Downtime”, “Unlimited Scaling,” and “Message Retention” goals.

There is one broker that is responsible for coordinating the cluster. That broker is called the controller.

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