Install Operational Database powered by Apache Accumulo using Remote Parcel Repository

You can install the Operational Database powered by Apache Accumulo (OpDB) parcel using the Remote Parcel Repository.

  • Install the OpDB CSD file.
  • Install CDP and add the HDFS and ZooKeeper services to your deployment.
  1. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to Parcels.
  2. Click Parcel Repositories & Network Settings.
  3. In the Remote Parcel Repository URLs section, click (Add Another) to include another remote parcel repository URL.
  4. Add the following URL:
  5. Click Save & Verify Configuration.
  6. In the row of ACCUMULO_ON_CDP 1.0.0.p0.11738502-el7.parcel, click Download.
  7. After the download is completed, click Distribute.
  8. Once the distribution is completed, click Activate.
Add the Accumulo on CDP service.