Managing Apache KafkaPDF version


In an environment managed by Cloudera Manager the kafka-configs tool can be used to set, describe, or delete topic properties.

Setting topic properties
You can set a topic property using the --alter option together with the --add-config option. For example:
kafka-configs --bootstrap-server [HOST:PORT] --entity-type topics --entity-name [TOPIC] --alter --add-config [PROPERTY NAME]=[VALUE]
Describing topic properties
You can list the configuration properties of a topic with the --describe option. For example:
kafka-configs --bootstrap-server [HOST:PORT] --entity-type topics --entity-name [TOPIC] --describe
Deleting topic properties
You can delete a topic property using the --alter option together with the --delete-config option. For example:
kafka-configs --bootstrap-server [HOST:PORT] --entity-type topics --entity-name [TOPIC] --alter --delete-config [PROPERTY_NAME]

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