Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Filter Expressions

Filter expressions specify which entries should display when you run the filter.

The simplest expression consists of three components:
  • Attribute - Query language name of the attribute.
  • Operator - Type of comparison between the attribute and the attribute value. Cloudera Manager supports the standard comparator operators =, !=, >, <, >=, <=, and RLIKE. (RLIKE performs regular expression matching as specified in the Java Pattern class documentation.) Numeric values can be compared with all operators. String values can be compared with =, !=, and RLIKE. Boolean values can be compared with = and !=.
  • Value - The value of the attribute. The value depends on the type of the attribute. For a Boolean value, specify either true or false. When specifying a string value, enclose the value in double quotes.

You create compound filter expressions using the AND and OR operators. When more than one operator is used in an expression, AND is evaluated first, then OR. To change the order of evaluation, enclose subexpressions in parentheses.

To find all the queries issued by the root user that produced over 100 rows, use the expression:
user = "root" AND rowsProduced > 100
To find all the executing queries issued by users Jack or Jill, use the expression:
executing = true AND (user = "Jack" OR user = "Jill")