You need to know how to use Cloudera Manager to change the location of the Hive
You use the Hive Metastore Action menu in Cloudera Manager, and navigate to one of the
following menu items in the first step below.
Hive > Action Menu > Create Hive Warehouse Directory
Hive > Action Menu > Create Hive Warehouse External Directory
Set up directories for the Hive warehouse directory and Hive warehouse external directory from Cloudera Manager Actions.
In Cloudera Manager, click Clusters > Hive (the Hive Metastore service) > Configuration, and change the hive.metastore.warehouse.dir property value to the path you specified for the new Hive warehouse directory.
Change the hive.metastore.warehouse.external.dir property value to the path you specified for the Hive warehouse external directory.
Configure Ranger policies or set up ACL permissions to access the directories.
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