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Configuring Service Monitor Data Storage

The Service Monitor stores time series data and health data, Impala query metadata, and YARN application metadata.

By default, the data is stored in /var/lib/cloudera-service-monitor/ on the Service Monitor host. You can change this by modifying the Service Monitor Storage Directory configuration ( To change this configuration on an active system, see Moving Monitoring Data on an Active Cluster.

You can control how much disk space to reserve for the different classes of data the Service Monitor stores by changing the following configuration options:
  • Time-series metrics and health data - Time-Series Storage (firehose_time_series_storage_bytes - 10 GB default, 10 GB minimum)
  • Impala query metadata - Impala Storage (firehose_impala_storage_bytes - 1 GB default)
  • YARN application metadata - YARN Storage (firehose_yarn_storage_bytes - 1 GB default)

For information about how metric data is stored in Cloudera Manager and how storage limits impact data retention, see Data Granularity and Time-Series Metric Data.

The default values are small, so you should examine disk usage after several days of activity to determine how much space is needed.