Cumulative hotfix CDS 3.2.7173000.3-1 (CDS 3.2 CHF12 for 7.1.7)
Know more about CDS 3.2 CHF12 for Cloudera Runtime 7.1.7. This cumulative hotfix was released on December 17, 2024.
Following is the list of fixes that were shipped for CDS
- CDPD-76735 - Backport SPARK-39489 - Improve EventLoggingListener and ReplayListener performance by replacing Json4S ASTs with Jackson trees
- CDPD-75353 - CHAR and VARCHAR handling in Spark 3 is incompatible with Spark 2
- CDPD-74730 - Backport SPARK-46239: Hide the Jetty server's version
Parcel Repository Location |
CDS Powered by Apache Spark Version | Dependent Stack Version | Supported CDP Versions |
3.2.7173000.3-1 | (7.1.7 SP3 CHF6) | CDP Private Cloud Base with Cloudera Runtime 7.1.7 SP3 CHF6 |