Apache Ozone OverviewPDF version

Ozone security architecture

Apache Ozone is a scalable, distributed, and high performance object store optimized for big data workloads and can handle billions of objects of varying sizes. Applications that use frameworks like Apache Spark, Apache YARN and Apache Hive work natively on Ozone without any modifications. Therefore, it is essential to have robust security mechanisms to secure your cluster and to protect your data in Ozone.

There are various authentication and authorization mechanisms available in Apache Ozone.

Authentication is the process of recognizing a user's identity for Ozone components. Apache Ozone supports strong authentication using Kerberos and security tokens.

Ozone depends on Kerberos to make the clusters secure. To enable security in an Ozone cluster, you must set the following parameters:
Property Value
ozone.security.enabled true
hadoop.security.authentication kerberos

The following diagram illustrates how service components, such as Ozone Manager (OM), Storage Container Manager (SCM), DataNodes, and Ozone Clients are authenticated with each other through Kerberos:

Illustration explaining authentication in Apache Ozone using Kerberos

Each service must be configured with a valid Kerberos Principal Name and a corresponding keytab file, which is used by the service to login at the start of the service in secure mode. Correspondingly, Ozone clients must provide either a valid Kerberos ticket or security tokens to access Ozone services, such as OM for metadata and DataNode for read/write blocks.

With Ozone serving thousands of requests every second, authenticating through Kerberos each time can be overburdening and is ineffective. Therefore, once authentication is done, Ozone issues delegation and block tokens to users or client applications authenticated with the help of Kerberos, so that they can perform specified operations against the cluster, as if they have valid kerberos tickets.

Ozone security token has a token identifier along with a signed signature from the issuer. The signature of the token can be validated by token validators to verify the identity of the issuer and a valid token holder can use the token to perform operations against the cluster.

Delegation token

Delegation tokens allow a user or client application to impersonate a user’s kerberos credentials. The client initially authenticates with OM through Kerberos and obtains a delegation token from OM. Delegation token issued by OM allows token holders to access metadata services provided by OM, such as creating volumes or listing objects in a bucket.

When OM receives a request from a client with a delegation token, it validates the token by checking the signature using its public key. A delegation token can be transferred to other client processes. When a token expires, the original client must request a new delegation token and then pass it to the other client processes.

Delegation token operations, such as get, renew, and cancel can only be performed over a Kerberos authenticated connection.

Block token

Block tokens are similar to delegation tokens because they are issued/signed by OM. Block tokens allow a user or client application to read or write a block in DataNodes. Unlike delegation tokens, which are requested through get, renew, or cancel APIs, block tokens are transparently provided to clients with information about the key or block location. When DataNodes receive read/write requests from clients, block tokens are validated by DataNodes using the certificate or public key of the issuer (OM).

Block tokens cannot be renewed by the client. When a block token expires, the client must retrieve the key/block locations to get new block tokens.

S3 token

Ozone supports Amazon S3 protocol through Ozone S3 Gateway. In secure mode, OM issues an S3 secret key to Kerberos-authenticated users or client applications that are accessing Ozone using S3 APIs. The access key ID secret access key can be added in the AWS configuration file for Ozone to ensure that a particular user or client application can access Ozone buckets.

S3 tokens are signed by S3 secret keys that are created by the Amazon S3 client. Ozone S3 gateway creates the token for every S3 client request. Users must have an S3 secret key to create the S3 token and similar to the block token, S3 tokens are handled transparently for clients.

Ozone security uses a certificate-based approach to validate security tokens, which make the tokens more secure as shared secret keys are never transported over the network.

The following diagram illustrates the working of an Ozone security token:

Illustration explaining the working of an Ozone security token

In secure mode, SCM bootstraps itself as a certifying authority (CA) and creates a self-signed CA certificate. OM and DataNode must register with SCM CA through a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). SCM validates the identity of OM and DataNode through Kerberos and signs the component’s certificate. The signed certificates are then used by OM and DataNode to prove their identity. This is especially useful for signing and validating delegation or block tokens.

In the case of block tokens, OM (token issuer) signs the token with its private key and DataNodes (token validator) use OM’s certificate to validate block tokens because OM and DataNode trust the SCM CA signed certificates.

In the case of delegation tokens when OM (is both a token issuer and token validator) is running in High Availability (HA) mode, there are several OM instances running simultaneously. A delegation token issued and signed by OM instance 1 can be validated by OM instance 2 when the leader OM instance changes. This is possible because both the instances trust the SCM CA signed certificates.

Authentication between Ozone services, such as Storage Container Manager (SCM), Ozone Manager (OM), and DataNodes is achieved using certificates and ensures secured communication in the Ozone cluster. The certificates are issued by SCM to other services during installation.

The following diagram illustrates how SCM issues certificates to other Ozone services:

Illustration explaining certificate-based authentication for Storage Container Managers in High Availability

The primordial SCM in the HA configuration starts a root Certificate Authority (CA) with self-signed certificates. The primordial SCM issues signed certificates to itself and the other bootstrapped SCMs in the HA configuration. The primordial SCM also has a subordinate CA with a signed certificate from the root CA.

When an SCM is bootstrapped, it receives a signed certificate from the primordial SCM and starts a subordinate CA of its own. The subordinate CA of any SCM that becomes the leader in the HA configuration issues signed certificates to Ozone Managers and the DataNodes in the Ozone cluster.

Authorization is the process of specifying access rights to Ozone resources. Once a user is authenticated, authorization enables you to specify what the user can do within an Ozone cluster. For example, you can allow users to read volumes, buckets, and keys while restricting them from creating volumes.

Ozone supports authorization through the Apache Ranger plugin or through native Access Control Lists (ACLs).

Ozone’s native ACLs can be used independently or with Ozone ACL plugins, such as Ranger. If Ranger authorization is enabled, the native ACLs are not evaluated.

Ozone native ACLs are a superset of POSIX and S3. The format of an ACL is object:who:rights.
In an ACL, an object can be the following:
  • Volume - An Ozone volume. For example, /volume1.
  • Bucket - An Ozone bucket. For example, /volume1/bucket1.
  • Key - An object key or an object. For example, /volume1/bucket1/key1.
  • Prefix - A path prefix for a specific key. For example, /volume1/bucket1/prefix1/prefix2.
In an ACL, a who can be the following:
  • User - A user in the Kerberos domain. The user can be named or unnamed.
  • Group - A group in the Kerberos domain. The group can be named or unnamed.
  • World - All authenticated users in the Kerberos domain. This maps to others in the POSIX domain.
  • Anonymous - Indicates that the user field should be completely ignored. This value is required for the S3 protocol to indicate anonymous users.
In an ACL, a right can be the following:
  • Create - Allows a user to create buckets in a volume and keys in a bucket.

    Only administrators can create volumes.

  • List - Allows a user to list buckets and keys. This ACL is attached to the volume and buckets which allow listing of the child objects.

    The user and administrator can list volumes owned by the user.

  • Delete - Allows a user to delete a volume, bucket, or key.
  • Read - Allows a user to read the metadata of a volume and bucket and data stream and metadata of a key.
  • Write - Allows a user to write the metadata of a volume and bucket and allows the user to overwrite an existing ozone key.
  • Read_ACL - Allows a user to read the ACL on a specific object.
  • Write_ACL - Allows a user to write the ACL on a specific object.

APIs for working with an Ozone ACL

Ozone supports a set of APIs to modify or manipulate the ACLs. The supported APIs are as follows:
  • SetAcl - Accepts the user principal, the name and type of an Ozone object, and a list of ACLs.
  • GetAcl - Accepts the name and type of an Ozone object and returns the corresponding ACLs.
  • AddAcl - Accepts the name and type of the Ozone object, and the ACL to add it to existing ACL entries of the Ozone object.
  • RemoveAcl - Accepts the name and type of the Ozone object, and the ACL to remove.

Apache Ranger provides a centralized security framework to manage access control through an user interface that ensures consistent policy administration across Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) components. For Ozone to work with Ranger, you can use Cloudera Manager and enable the Ranger service instance with which you want to use Ozone.

If Ranger authorization is enabled, the native ACLs are ignored and ACLs specified through Ranger are considered.

The following table lists the Ranger permissions corresponding to the various Ozone operations:
Operation / Permission Volume Permission Bucket Permission Key Permission
Create Volume CREATE
List Volume LIST
Get Volume Info READ
Delete Volume DELETE
Create Bucket READ CREATE
List Bucket LIST, READ
Get Bucket Info READ READ
Delete Bucket READ DELETE