How to Convert File Encodings (DER, JKS, PEM) for TLS/SSL Certificates
and Keys
Client and server processes require specific file formats for
certificates, keys, and other digital artifacts used for TLS/SSL
encryption. For example, when TLS is enabled, Cloudera Manager Server
presents Java KeyStore (JKS) formatted key and certificate to requesting
Cloudera Manager Agent hosts. The Hue client also connects to Cloudera
Manager Server, but Hue requires a PEM-formatted key and certificate,
rather than JKS. The PEM format used by Cloudera Manager is PKCS #8, which
handles certificates and keys as individual Base64-encoded text files.
If you receive binary DER files from your certificate authority, you must convert them to the
appropriate format. Since neither Java Keytool nor OpenSSL work directly with PKCS format,
many of the configuration tasks detailed in How to Configure TLS Encryption for Cloudera
involve converting formats, or extracting keys or certificates from an artifact in one format
to another.
Certificates issued by a CA in one format (encoding) can be used to create certificates in a
different format using Java Keytool and OpenSSL as detailed below.
Converting DER Encoded Certificates to PEM🔗
OpenSSL can be used to convert a DER-encoded certificate to an ASCII (Base64)
encoded certificate. Typically, DER-encoded certificates may have file
extension of .DER, .CRT, or .CER, but regardless of the extension, a DER
encoded certificate is not readable as plain text (unlike PEM encoded
A PEM-encoded certificate may also have file extension of .CRT or .CER,
in which case, you can simply copy the file to a new name using the .PEM
cp hostname.cer hostname.pem
To convert a DER-encoded certificate to PEM encoding using
openssl x509 -inform der -in hostname.cer -out hostname.pem
For example:
openssl x509 -inform der -in /opt/cloudera/security/pki/hostname.cer -out /tmp/hostname.pem
Converting JKS Key and Certificate to PEM🔗
This process uses both Java keytool and OpenSSL
(keytool and openssl, respectively,
in the commands below) to export the composite private key and
certificate from a Java keystore and then extract each element into its
own file.
The PKCS12 file created below is an interim file
used to obtain the individual key and certificate files.
Replace hostname-keystore, cmhost, hostname, and
password with values from your system.
Export the private key and certificate command line:
extracted certificate can be used, as is, but you can additionally
extract the private key from the keystore as detailed in the next
Extracting the Private Key from PKCS Keystore🔗
Use OpenSSL to extract the private key from the PKCS keystore when needed.
The command shown below extracts the key and saves it to a keystore
that is protected using the password you provide:
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