Cloudera Runtime Release NotesPDF version

Behavioral changes in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.7 SP3 CHF5

You can review the changes in certain features or functionalities of components that have resulted in a change in behavior from the previously released version to this version of Cloudera Runtime 7.1.7 SP3 CHF5.

The Exclude SubTypes and Exclude Sub-classifications filters were removed from the Table tab of entity details.
Previous behavior:
Previously, the Exclude SubTypes and Exclude Sub-classifications filters were available from the Table tab in entity details. There were no properties being passed to these filters when you visited the entity details of the page.
New behavior:
The two unused filter checkboxes Exclude SubTypes and Exclude Sub-classifications from the Table tab of entity detail page were removed.
Special character validation was added to glossary, term and category names in Apache Atlas.
Previous behavior:
The special characters '@', '.', '<', '>' could be used in glossary, term and category name fields.
New behavior:
The special characters '@', '.', '<', '>' are no longer accepted in glossary, term and category name fields by the validation introduced. Avoid using these characters when creating glossary names, glossary terms and category names.