Apache Ranger AuditingPDF version

Configuring Ranger audit properties for HDFS

How to change the settings that control how Ranger writes audit records to HDFS.

The HDFS audit destination is intended to store long-term audit records.

You can configure whether Ranger stores audit records in HDFS and at which location.

You must purge long term audit records stored in HDFS manually.
Table 1. Ranger Audit Configuration Parameters for HDFS
Parameter Name Description Default Setting Units

controls whether Ranger writes audit records to HDFS

true T/F
ranger_plugin_hdfs_audit_url location at which you can access audit records written to HDFS <hdfs.host_name>/ranger/audit string
  1. From Cloudera Manager choose Ranger > Configuration.
  2. In Search, type ranger_plugin, then press Return.
  3. In ranger_plugin_hdfs_audit_enabled, check/uncheck RANGER-1 (Service Wide)
  4. In ranger_plugin_hdfs_audit_url type a valid directory on the hdfs host.
  5. Refresh the configuration, using one of the following two options:
    1. Click Refresh Configuration, as prompted or, if Refresh Configuration does not appear,
    2. In Actions, click Update Solr config-set for Ranger, then confirm.

You may want to delete older logs from HDFS. Cloudera provides no feature to do this. You may accomplish this task manually, using a script.

You must specify the audit log directory by replacing the 2nd line hdfs dfs -ls /<path_to>/<audit_logs> in the example script.

You may also include the -skipTrash option, if you choose, on 7th line in the script.
today=`date +'%s'`
hdfs dfs -ls /<path_to>/<audit_logs> | grep "^d" | while read line ; do
dir_date=$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $6}')
difference=$(( ( ${today} - $(date -d ${dir_date} +%s) ) / ( 24*60*60 ) ))
filePath=$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $8}')

if [ ${difference} -gt 30 ]; then
    hdfs dfs -rm -r $filePath