Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Viewing Activity Details in a Report Format

The Details tab for an activity shows the job or activity statistics in a report format.

To view activity details for an individual MapReduce job:

  1. Select a MapReduce job from the Clusters tab  or Select a Pig, Hive or Oozie activity, then select a MapReduce job from the Children tab.
  2. Select the Details tab after the job page is displayed.

This displays information about the individual MapReduce job in a report format.

From this page you can also access the Job Details and Job Configuration pages on the JobTracker web UI.

  • Click the Job Details link at the top of the report to be taken to the job details web page on the JobTracker host.
  • Click the Job Configuration link to be taken to the job configuration web page on the JobTracker host.

To view activity details for a Pig, Hive, or Oozie activity:

  1. Select a Pig, Hive or Oozie activity.
  2. Select the Details tab after the list of child jobs is displayed.

This displays information about the Pig, Oozie, or Hive job as a whole.

Note that this the same data you would see for the activity if you displayed all possible columns in the Activities list.