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Integrating Ranger KMS DB with Google Cloud HSM

How to integrate Ranger KMS DB with Google Cloud HSM

This task describes how to integrate Ranger KMS DB with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Hardware Security Module (HSM). This process includes setting up the GCP HSM service on a client (host), configuring Ranger KMS with GCP, or migrating the Master Key storage from the KMS database to the Google Cloud HSM.

  • Ensure you can log in to the Google cloud console using your accout. (Requires Google account access).
  • Ensure you have Java (jdk1.8.0.232) installed.
Set Up Google Cloud HSM
  1. Log in to Google Cloud console using Cloudera account.
  2. Create the service account by selecting or creating the Project.
  3. Create the key.
  4. Download and save the key in JSON format.
  5. In GCP Console > Key Management create the key ring.
    Figure 1. Creating a key ring in Google Cloud Platform
    Creating a key ring in Google Cloud Platform
    This example shows a project gcp-eng-sdx-daily, region Global, and key ring RangerKMSRing.
The key ring is created.
Figure 2. RangerKMSRing created

These are the steps to configure Ranger KMS with the Google Cloud Platform ( GCP). These steps need to be performed only when the cluster is ready with all the required services and no encryption zone keys are present.

  1. Stop the KMS service if running.
  2. Go to CM > Ranger KMS > Configuration > Search for Ranger KMS Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/dbks-site.xml and click on + icon to add the properties.
  3. Add the following properties :
    Name Value
    ranger.kms.gcp.enabled true
    ranger.kms.gcp.keyring.id <Key Ring Name>







    Figure 3. Adding properties to safety valve
  4. Save changes. Restart Ranger KMS
    Figure 4. A master key will be created in your keyring on GCP
    On restart,a master key will be created in your keyring on GCP.
Once Ranger KMS has started successfully, verify zone key creation, and zone encryption/decryption.

These are the steps required to migrate the Master Key Storage from the KMS database to Google Cloud HSM. These steps need to be performed when the cluster is ready with all the required services and encryption zone keys are present in the Ranger KMS DB.

  1. Export the following as environment variables JAVA_HOME, RANGER_KMS_HOME, RANGER_KMS_CONF, SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR and HADOOP_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD.You can find the values of the environment variables as follows:
    1. SSH into one of the KMS hosts.
    2. Run the command to find the required environment variable value
      ps -ef | grep proc_rangerkms
      cd /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/xxx-ranger_kms-RANGER_KMS_SERVER
    4. Open the proc.json file and search for HADOOP_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD.
    export JAVA_HOME = /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_232-cloudera/ 
    export RANGER_KMS_HOME = /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-7.2.15-1.cdh7.2.15.p0.19846155/lib/ranger-kms 
    export RANGER_KMS_CONF = /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/51-ranger_kms-RANGER_KMS_SERVER/conf/ 
    export SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR = /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar 
    export HADOOP_CREDSTORE_PASSWORD= hadoop_credstore_pwd 
  2. Stop the Ranger KMS service.
  3. Once the environment variables have been exported and Ranger KMS service has been stopped, use the MigrateMKeyStorageDbToGCP.sh utility script to migrate the master key.
    ${RANGER_KMS_HOME}/MigrateMKeyStorageDbToGCP.sh ApacheMasterKey1
    my_gcpProjectName my_gcpKeyRingName  my_gcpKeyRingLocationName my_pathOfJsonCredFile.json
Master Key from Ranger KMS DB has been successfully migrated to GCP.