Cumulative hotfix CDP PvC Base (SP2 cumulative hotfix2)
Know more about the cumulative hotfixes 2 for 7.1.7 SP2. This cumulative hotfix is released on Feb 28, 2023.
Following are the list of fixes that were shipped for CDP private cloud-base version 7.1.7-1.cdh7.1.7.p2009.38246521
- TSB 2024-650: Arbitrary file deletion vulnerability in Apache Zeppelin
- COMPX-13433: HADOOP-18602 Remove netty3 dependency - CDH-7.1.7 SP2 CHFx
- COMPX-13432: HADOOP-15327 Upgrade MR ShuffleHandler to use Netty4 - 7.1.7 SP2 CHFx
- COMPX-13423: MAPREDUCE-7433 Remove unused mapred/
- COMPX-13422: MAPREDUCE-7268 Fix TestMapreduceConfigFields
- COMPX-13421: MAPREDUCE-7237 Supports config the shuffle's path cache related parameters
- COMPX-12964: MAPREDUCE-7431 ShuffleHandler is not working correctly in SSL mode after the Netty 4 upgrade
- CDPD-49822: Backport IMPALA-5476 to 7.1.7 SP2 CHF
- CDPD-49620: Accessing parameters of a x-www-form-urlencoded request consumes the request body (backport KNOX-2865 to 7.1.7 SP2 CHF 2)
- CDPD-49544: Backport HBASE-26093 to 7.1.7 SP2 CHF2
- CDPD-49543: Backport HBASE-26482 to 7.1.7 SP2 CHF2
- CDPD-49533: Backport HIVE-26911 to CDH-
- CDPD-49521: Fix CVE-2023-25194 in Kafka Connect
- CDPD-49446: Backport ZEPPELIN-5624 to 7.1.7 SP2 CHF2
- CDPD-49445: Revert temporary UI fix provided for CDPD-48122.
- CDPD-49443: Backport HIVE-25773 to CDH-
- CDPD-49442: Backport HIVE-23891 to CDH-
- CDPD-49425: Revert CDPD-19398(Zeppelin-upgrade to jersey-media-jaxb 2.32)
- CDPD-49424: CLONE - Ranger - Upgrade tomcat to 8.5.84/9.0.69+/10.1.2+ due to CVE-2022-42252, CVE-2022-34305, CVE-2022-45143
- CDPD-48847: Oozie "root" rewrite rule's pattern is too open
- CDPD-48721: Impala - Upgrade Jquery Datatables to the latest version to avoid Security issues
- CDPD-48720: Server: admin/audits , admin/purge fail with "[__AtlasAuditEntry.startTime] is not indexed in the targeted index [vertex_index]"
- CDPD-48667: [Unit test] 'testMultipleClientAuthTokenCache' Oozie unit test fails intermittently
- CDPD-48514: SMM AlertNotifications mark/unmark fails with MariaDB 10.6
- CDPD-48454: Hive ptest failures because of CALCITE-3774
- CDPD-48042: Oozie - Upgrade commons-net to 3.9.0 due to CVE-2021-37533
- CDPD-48023: Oozie - Upgrade postgresql to 42.5.1 due to CVE-2022-41946
- CDPD-48019: SMM - Upgrade postgresql to 42.5.1 due to CVE-2022-41946
- CDPD-48016: Schema Registry - Upgrade postgresql to 42.5.1 due to CVE-2022-41946
- CDPD-47984: [Unit test] 'testTimeOut' Unit test fails intermittently
- CDPD-47949: Upgrade tomcat to 8.5.84/9.0.69+/10.1.2+ due to CVE-2022-42252, CVE-2022-34305, CVE-2022-45143
- CDPD-47914: Schema Registry - Upgrade moment.js to 2.29.4 due to CVE-2022-24785, CVE-2022-31129
- CDPD-47912: Atlas - Upgrade moment.js to 2.29.4 due to CVE-2022-24785, CVE-2022-31129
- CDPD-47765: [Unit test] testSqoopActionWithCommandAndFreeFormQuery YARN app status' was expected:<FINISHED> but was:<RUNNING>
- CDPD-46151: Backport HADOOP-18469 and HDFS-16795
- CDPD-40001: Follower SCM crashed during snapshot installation
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