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Accessing the Oozie server with the Oozie Client

The Oozie client is a command-line utility that interacts with the Oozie server using the Oozie web-services API.

  • Use the /usr/bin/oozie script to run the Oozie client.
    For example, if you want to invoke the client on the same machine where the Oozie server is running:
    $ oozie admin -oozie https://<oozie_server>:11443/oozie -status
    System mode: NORMAL
  • To make it convenient to use this utility, set the environment variable OOZIE_URL to point to the URL of the Oozie server. Then you can skip the -oozie option.
    For example, if you want to invoke the client on the same machine where the Oozie server is running, set the OOZIE_URL to https://<oozie_server>:11443/oozie.
    $ export OOZIE_URL=https://<oozie_server>:11443/oozie
    $ oozie admin -version
    Oozie server build version: 4.0.0-cdh5.0.0
  • If you want to access Oozie client through Knox:
    export OOZIE_URL=https://<knox_host>:<knox_port>/gateway/cdp-proxy-api/oozie
    When you access Oozie client through Knox, you need to specify a username and password in the command line as Knox needs it:
    export OOZIE_URL=https://<knox_host>:<knox_port>/gateway/cdp-proxy-api/oozie
    oozie admin -version -auth BASIC -username <username> -password <password>
  • When the Oozie server has SSL enabled, the Oozie client does not automatically set the necessary trust-store properties to form a connection. You can set these properties using the following methods:
    • Add them as system properties immediately after the oozie command. For instance:
      oozie \
          "{trustStorePath}" \
          "{trustStorePassword}" \
          "{trustStoreType}" \
          {oozieCommand} \
          -oozie "{oozieUrl}" \
    • You can also set these properties by defining the OOZIE_CLIENT_OPTS environment variable before running the Oozie command. For instance:
      export OOZIE_CLIENT_OPTS="{trustStorePath}{trustStorePassword}{trustStoreType}"
    • If you prefer, you can also utilize the -insecure argument with the Oozie command line to prevent the client from validating the certificates:
      oozie \
          {oozieCommand} \
          -oozie "{oozieUrl}" \
          -insecure \