Cloudera Runtime Release NotesPDF version

Documentation Errata in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.7 SP2

You must be aware of the major enhancements or changes and additions or corrections to the components in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.7 SP2. Learn how the new improvements benefit you.

You can perform In-place one stage upgrade from HDP 2 to CDP 7.1.7 SP2 using CMA 2.6.2. For more information, see HDP 2 to CDP documentation.

With the release of Service Pack 2 Cloudera has replaced all Apache Log4j 1.2.x logging libraries included with CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7 SP1 with equivalent Reload4j libraries.
Optimize phase of MRIT reducers can now be skipped
This release adds a new configuration option to MapReduceIndexerTool (MRIT) that allows skipping the optimize phase of reducers.

To skip the optimize operation at the end of reducers, set the value of the maxSegments parameter to 0 or -1. You can set the value of this parameter using the --max-segments CLI option. For more information, see MapReduceIndexerTool usage syntax .

Configuration option to URL encode special characters in hbase.column.mapping
As part of this release, a new Hive configuration option is introduced to URL encode special characters like '#' or '%' that are used in hbase.columns.mapping values. The characters have to be encoded because the values are used to form the URI for Ranger based authentication. For more information, see Using Hbase Hive integration.
Change in configuration value for hive.server2.tez.initialize.default.sessions
The default value for the hive.server2.tez.initialize.default.sessions property is changed to "false" to prevent queries from waiting on the same Tez AM pool and thereby improving query performance. For more information, see Hive on Tez configurations.
Change in value for MAX_CNF_EXPRS
The default value for the query optionMAX_CNF_EXPRS is lowered from unlimited to 200 to optimize the performance of queries. For more information, see Impala Query Options.
Option to configure the number of objects displayed in Hue
By default, 5000 objects (databases, tables, columns) are displayed in Hue web interface on the left assist panel, Table Browser page, and auto-complete drop-down list. You can increase this value by configuring the MAX_CATALOG_SQL_ENTRIES property in Cloudera Manager. For more information, see Configuring the number of objects displayed in Hue.
Option to refresh Hue Load Balancer cookies
You can select the Hue Load Balancer Cookie Refresh option in Cloudera Manager while setting up the Load balancer for Hue. This forces the Hue Load Balancer to generate a new ROUTEID cookie and reroute the Hue session to a new Hue host. For more information, see Configuring high availability for Hue.
Ranger User Management map added
You can find topics that describe how to use Ranger to manage Users, Groups and Roles here: Apache Ranger User Management

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