Installing on OpenShiftPDF version

Get started with OpenShift and low resource mode requirements

Review the memory, storage, and hardware requirements for getting started with the Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) service in low resource mode on Red Hat OpenShift 4.7 or 4.8 and (ECS).

To get started with the CDW service on Red Hat OpenShift 4.7 or 4.8 low resource mode, make sure you have fulfilled the following requirements:

Component Low resource mode deployment
Nodes 4
Memory 48 GB
Storage 3 x 100 GB (SATA) or 2 x 200 GB (SATA)
Network Bandwidth 1 GB/s guaranteed bandwidth to every CDP Private Cloud Base node

The following requirements are in addition to the low resource mode requirements listed in the previous section.

Table 1. Impala Virtual Warehouse low resource mode requirements
Component vCPU Memory Local Storage Number of pods in XSMALL Virtual Warehouse
Coordinator (2) 2 x 0.4 2 x 24 GB 2 x 100 GB 2
Executor (2) 2 x 3 2 x 24 GB 2 x 100 GB 2
Statestore 0.1 512 MB -- 1
Catalogd 0.4 16 GB -- 1
Auto-scaler 0.1 1 GB -- 1
Hue (backend) 0.5 8 GB -- 1
Hue (frontend) -- -- -- 1
Total for XSMALL Virtual Warehouse 8 (7.9) 121.5 GB 400 GB - 3 volumes --

Impala Admission Control Configuration

  • Maximum concurrent queries per executor: 4
  • Maximum query memory limit: 8 GB
Table 2. Hive Virtual Warehouse low resource mode requirements
Component vCPU Memory Local Storage Number of pods in XSMALL Virtual Warehouse
Coordinator (2) 2 x 1 2 x 4 GB 2 x 100 GB 2
Executor (2) 2 x 4 2 x 48 GB (16 GB heap; 32 GB off-heap) 2 x 100 GB 2
HiveServer2 1 16 GB -- 1
DAS 0.5 4 GB -- 1
Hue (backend) 0.5 8 GB -- 1
Hue (frontend) -- -- -- 1
Standalone compute operator 0.1 100 MB (.1 GB) -- --
Standalone query executor (separate) Same as executor Same as executor Same as executor --
Data Visualization (optional) 0.5 8 GB -- 1
Total for XSMALL Virtual Warehouse 21 (20.6) 237 GB (236.1) 400 GB - 4 volumes --

The metastore and the DAS event processor each use 2 CPUs and 8 GB of memory.