Using Hue
About using Hue
Accessing and using Hue in Cloudera Data Warehouse
Viewing Hive query details
Viewing Hive query history
Viewing Hive query information
Viewing explain plan for a Hive query
Viewing Hive query timeline
Viewing configurations for a Hive query
Viewing DAG information for a Hive query
Viewing Impala query details
Viewing Impala query history
Viewing Impala query information
Viewing the Impala query execution plan
Viewing the Impala query metrics
Terminating Hive queries
Comparing Hive and Impala queries in Hue
Run stored procedure from Hue
Enable stored procedures in CDW
Enabling the SQL editor autocompleter
Using governance-based data discovery
Searching metadata tags
Using Amazon S3 with Hue
Accessing S3 bucket from Hue in CDW with RAZ
Enabling the S3 File Browser for Hue in CDW with RAZ
Accessing S3 bucket from Hue in CDW without RAZ
Creating roles and synchronizing users to FreeIPA
Adding an external S3 bucket to your CDW environment
Adding users to Hadoop SQL Ranger policies
Enabling the S3 File Browser for Hue in CDW without RAZ
Creating tables from S3 CSV
Using Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Hue
Accessing ADLS Gen2 containers from Hue in CDW with RAZ
Enabling the ABFS File Browser for Hue in CDW with RAZ
Accessing ADLS Gen2 containers from Hue in CDW without RAZ
Creating an Azure storage account
Setting storage location base
Enabling the ABFS File Browser
Creating tables from ABFS CSV
Granting permission to access S3 and ABFS File Browser in Hue
Uploading files with Hue task server enabled
List of supported non-alphanumeric characters for file and directory names in Hue
Unsupported features in Hue
Known limitations in Hue