About using Hue
Hue provides a one-stop querying experience in Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) to leverage Hive and Impala SQL engines. You can also run
stored procedures (HPLSQL) and Unified Analytics queries.
Accessing and using Hue in Cloudera Data Warehouse Get started using Hue by analyzing and visualizing your data with Impala and Hive SQL query engines.Viewing Hive query details You can search Hive query history, compare two queries, download debug bundles for troubleshooting, and view query details, a graphical representation of the query execution plan, and DAG information on the Job Browser page in Hue.Viewing Impala query details You can view Impala query details, query plan, execution summary, and query metrics on the new Impala Queries tab on the Job Browser page in Hue, and use this information to tune and optimize your queries.Terminating Hive queries If a query is running for longer than expected, or you have accidentally triggered it, then you can stop the query to free up the resources. Hue also allows you to stop multiple queries at once.Comparing Hive and Impala queries in Hue You can compare two queries to know how each query is performing in terms of speed and cost-effectiveness. Hue compares various aspects of the two queries, based on which you can identify what changed between the executions of those two queries, and you can debug performance-related issues between different runs of the same query.How to run a stored procedure from Hue in Cloudera Data Warehouse HPL/SQL allows you to implement business logic using variables, expressions, flow-of-control statements, and iterations. HPL/SQL makes SQL-on-Hadoop more dynamic. You can leverage your existing procedural SQL skills, and use functions and statements to make your typical ETL development more productive. In Cloudera Data Warehouse, Hue provides a smart interface to run stored procedures.Enabling stored procedures for Hive in Cloudera Data Warehouse To create, edit, and drop procedures and functions that are written in Hive Hybrid Procedural SQL (HPL/SQL) using the Hue query editor in CDW, you must enable the hplsql option in the hue-safety-valve field.Enabling the SQL editor autocompleter Autocompleter provides finely tuned SQL suggestions for Hive and Impala dialects while you enter queries into the editor window. See Brand new Autocompleter for Hive and Impala in the Hue blog.Using governance-based data discovery Hue can use the metadata tagging, indexing, and search features available in Apache Atlas data management. After integrating Hue with Atlas, classifications and indexed entities can be accessed and viewed in Hue. This topic shows you how to use metadata classifications in Hue.Using Amazon S3 with Hue Hue can read to and write to an Amazon S3 bucket.Using Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 with Hue Hue can read to and write to an Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2.Granting permission to access S3 and ABFS File Browser in Hue Only admin users can view and access S3 or ABFS File Browser in Hue after enabling it. You must manually grant application permissions to non-admin users and groups for them to be able to view and access S3 and ABFS File Browsers in Hue.../topics/hue-create-table-import-csv-xlsx-files.html Uploading files using Hue with the task server enabled in CDW The task server is enabled by default. When task server is in the enabled state, the files are uploaded using an asynchronous task queue or job queue. This improves performance and allows you to upload multiple files as large as 5 GB each in parallel. List of supported non-alphanumeric characters for file and directory names in Hue Auto-generated files may often introduce non-alphanumeric characters in the filenames which are not supported by Hue. This might cause the files or directories to not appear on the Hue File Browser. Review the list of non-alphanumeric characters supported in Hue to avoid running into this issue.Unsupported features in Hue Learn about the Hue features that are not supported by Cloudera.