Configuring Data Hub and Data Lake ClustersPDF version

Overriding Configuration Properties

For role types that allow multiple instances, each role instance inherits its configuration properties from its associated role group. While role groups provide a convenient way to provide alternate configuration properties for selected groups of role instances, there may be situations where you want to make a one-off configuration change—for example when a host has malfunctioned and you want to temporarily reconfigure it. In this case, you can override configuration properties for a specific role instance:
  1. Go to the page of the service with the role you want to change. Click Clusters in the left menu and select the service, or click the Status tab on the Cloudera Manager Home page and select the service.
  2. Click the Instances tab.
  3. Click the role instance you want to change.
  4. Click the Configuration tab.
  5. Change the configuration values as appropriate.
  6. Save your changes.
You will most likely need to restart your service or role to have your configuration changes take effect.