Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Configuring Alert Email Delivery

Perform the following steps for managing the configuration of the alert notifications that are delivered through Email. After making changes to the Email Alerts properties, you can restart the Alert Publisher and send a test alert to test the change.

Minimum Required Role: Limited Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator and Cluster Administrator)

  1. On the Cloudera Manager UI:
    1. Navigate to Clusters > Cloudera Management Service > Status tab.
    2. Under Status Summary, select Alert Publisher and click the Configuration tab.
    3. Select Category > Main to view a list of email alert properties.
  2. To receive email alerts, you must set (or verify) the following email alert property settings:
    • Alerts: Enable Email Alerts: Select Alert Publisher Default Group.
    • Alerts: Mail Server Protocol: Select the protocol for sending alert emails, either smtp or smtps.
    • Alerts: Mail Server Hostname: Enter the IP address or hostname of the mail server that sends alerts—for example,
    • Alerts: Mail Server Username: Specify the username of the email account used to log in to the mail server as the "sender" of alert emails.
    • Alerts: Mail Server Password: Enter the password for the email account.
    • Alerts: Mail From Address: Specify the email address that sends alert emails. The address must be in a standard format, such as
    • Alerts: Mail Message Recipients: Use the icon to add new recipients. Each email address must be in a standard format, such as and
    • Alerts: Mail Message Format: Select the format of the email alert message. Select json if you want the message to be parsed by a script or program.

    To apply this configuration property to other role groups, edit the value for the appropriate role group. See the topic Modifying Configuration Properties Using Cloudera Manager.

  3. Click Save Changes to save your settings.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Restart this Alert Publisher to restart a role.
  5. In the Restart message, confirm restarting the Alert Publisher Service on your cluster by clicking Restart.
  6. Monitor the restart progress until the Successfully restarted role message appears and then click Close.
  7. After successful restart, you can send a test alert email to test the changes.