Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Changing the Chart Type

You can change a chart from one type to another.

  1. Click Charts > Chart Builder to access the chart, or click the chart on the Cloudera Manager home page and then View Entity Chart.
  2. Click one of the chart types:
    • Line - Displays the points in the time series as continuous line.
    • Stack Area - Displays the points in the time series as continuous line and the area under the line filled in.
    • Bar - Displays each the value of the metric averaged over a second as a bar.
    • Scatter - Displays the points in the time series as dots.
    • Heatmap - Displays a metric thermometer and grid of colored squares. The thermometer displays buckets that represent a range of metric values and a color coding for the bucket. Each square represents an entity and the color of the square represents the value of a metric within a range. The following heatmap shows the last value of the resident memory for the NodeManager, ImpalaD, DataNode, and RegionServer roles.

    • Histogram - Displays the time series values as a set of bars where each bar represents a range of metric values and the height of the bar represents the number of entities whose value falls within the range. The following histogram shows the number of roles in each range of the last value of the resident memory.

    • Table - Displays the time series values as a table with each row containing the data for a single time value.