Build and deployment commands for models

Models have separate parameters for builds and deployments. When a model is built, an image is created. Whereas, the deployment is the actual instance of the model. You can list model builds and deployment, and monitor their state using from model CLI client (cdswctl).

Listing a model

To list the models, run the following command:
cdswctl models list

Monitoring the status of the model

To monitor the status of the build for a particular model, use the following command:
cdswctl models listBuild --modelId <model_ID> --projectId <project_ID>

You can use the --latestModelDeployment flag to get the build for the latest deployment.

Listing a deployment

To list the deployment for a particular model, run the following command:
cdswctl models listDeployments --modelId <model_ID>

Checking the status of a deployment

To check the status of your deployment, run the following command:
cdswctl models listDeployments --statusSet=deployed
Following is a list of arguments for the statusSet parameter:
  • deployed
  • deploying
  • failed
  • pending
  • stopping
  • stopped