Deploying Cloudera Observability On-Premises
Steps for successfully configuring and installing Cloudera Observability On-Premises on all nodes in the Cloudera Observability On-Premises cluster.
- Verify that you successfully downloaded, distributed, and activated the OBSERVABILITY parcel.
- Verify that you assigned the Phoenix Query Server role to all the hosts in the Cloudera Observability On-Premises environment, by selecting the Clusters and then Roles in the Cloudera Home page, and then confirming that each host displays the QS icon.
- Optional: If you are not using
autoTLS and manually configuring the TLS/SSL protocol, verify that you have the
following TLS/SSL key pair values, which you will be required to supply during
the deployment task:
- The location of your TLS/SSL private key file.
- The location of your TLS/SSL certificate file.
- The password of your TLS/SSL private key.
- Verify that you recorded a Phoenix and Impala Daemon host name, which you will
be required to supply during the deployment task, by doing the following:
- From the Cloudera Manager's Home page, select Phoenix and then Instances. Record the host name of one of the Query Server hosts.
- From the Cloudera Manager's Home page, select Impala and then Instances. Record the host name of one of the Query Server hosts.